Paper putty

I wonder if you added a little of silicone, or plaster of Paris, to make molds? :)

I do not see why you could not add such.

I fully ENCOURAGE everyone to experiment with this and (BY ALL MEANS) post your results. Please post how and what you use this putty for.
I am very curious to see what everyone comes up with.

I take back what I said about adding anything to Plaster of Paris. That stuff makes great molds without use of anything else, just a box to hold it while it firms up. Just spray a releasing agent, like cooking oil, so it will release from the mold. Plaster of Paris gets hard fast, so grease up your part ahead of time, make sure there are no bubbles, and stick it in the plaster, just as it starts to firm, better early than late, but not too early, or ou will never get it out!! Some strategically placed holes, a hair dryer blower, could make an excellent vacuum forming mold. :)
Paper parts filler! What an excellent idea! I was looking for something else in the tutorial section when I saw this, and wow! Gonna use this one big time! Thanks!
Thank you very much! I am glad that you like it. I thought that this would solve two problems.
First one: Make a crack/space filler.
Second one: What to do with the extra paper left over from a build.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to ask.
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I've had some thoughts about this and, I wonder what I could do with all my paper waste and a blender then make the paper glue mixture?

You WILL end up with a paper PULP... I used this to make my own paper from old wrappers and the like... big jar and torn up scraps of paper, water and a touch of peppermint oil to stop mildew or mold. Pull out some after it sets for at least a couple weeks, and toss a cup full in a blender...frappe frappe etc... and you have paper pulp... put in a tray of water and use a screen frame and dip and pull! PAPER ( helps with paper to add a touch of wallpaper paste, but is unnecessary, the fibers will hold it all together I used to set each frame after the water had bled off through the screen and pop it into a toaster oven for a few minutes... and nice smooth paper popped off the screen with deckled edges! Let the water run out of your original pulp from the blender, and add a glue... Paper Paste Filler! I used Celluclay before also... but not for paper, paper mache'. But yeah it was a huge block and cheep, and would work I think... about the consistency of blown in insulation.
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You would have to squeeze out any water to prevent cracking. After generating copious amounts of extra fine saw dust, from all the roofing I've been doing, every time I throw one of those bag fulls of the stuff from my chop saw, I keep thinking, "I should keep one of these", but it's easy enough to make.

I would like to do a mix with ZIP DRY, or UHU Glue into a mold. No time, never any time. :(
very interesting. Every time I ready this thread title, I think it reads something else. :wink:
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very interesting. Every time I ready this thread title, I think it reads something else. :wink:
Honestly, I could not think of another title at the time. :cool:

However, this thread was more directed to those who cannot afford the commercial grade material, and have all of the extra leftover paper from building models.