Paper Pinball Machines


Jul 13, 2005
My scratch build pinball machine .. Base off idea i found surfing around the net

Hour of pain and misery !! to get them a close as i could.
The tex still need work :(

Hopeful i add them to an arcade build some time down the road ..


  • Pinball2.jpg
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Very cool machines. You'll note though that the table 'playing surface' follows the top of the box. During vigorous play the ball can some times hit the glass cover. You'll note also that the 'Box' is a complete box. The coin slot area you have is a bit bigger then the rest of the box. It is a bit of a trapezoid in shape but slanted to allow gravity to bring the ball down. In later years they increased that to the point where playing was no longer fun. Eventually the machines became more costly to repair then they were making back.

If you wanted to expand on this idea there is quite a bit of history in these games. One that really deserves a 3D/paper model to appreciate.

You can find close ups of the Kiss Machine here.

Great looking machines though. There are a few other video arcade games made out of paper out there too. Location escapes me right now though.

Edit: Found site with paper arcade cabnets

Just as a thought you may try using clothing buttons for some of the parts. If the table is modeled?
These are really cool! I love pinball. I find I enjoy the mid-late 80's and early 2000 models the best. Funhouse, BlackKnight, The Comet, Pinbot, The Simpsons, Univesal Monsters, Mars Attacks.... et all.

I once built a paper Black Knight table in 28mm scale for an Arcade building for an RPG game. It wasn't as detailed or as nice as yours though. How big are these?

Keep up the good work. Pinball seems to be a lost art anymore...

Thanks !! If someone has a better way for the tex ! i'm open for it !
i have no problum with some one willing to try a better way that i have right now !
The pinball machine is easy ! its getting the tex to fit and look good..

As with the train model's .. i not much of designer i don't have the bell and whistles programs .. i use paint program and luck :)

Pm ! me if you want a to have a shot at it :)