Paper Mill


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
I need a paper mill to use up the wood from my logging area. This one is based on the Walthers Cornerstone kits. Mine is N gauge.
This first structure is the Kraft Mill.
Looks just like the twin stacks at International Paper just up the street...only thing missing is the nearby wetlands getting the life choked out of 'em by the mill runoff:eek: Great work...and from cereal boxes?
Robin, for a change from your 'romantic' industries and RR buildings this paper mill looks very modern and businesslike - modern times on the MAT? ;) This will surely give an interesting contrast to the backwoods logging camp on your layout.

Like Clerk, I'd like to know what you used for modeling these chimneys. (I guess that Kellog's hasn't anything to do with it! :D)

Funny, the chimneys look very much like these at a trash burning plant some miles from my home. I always wondered why they colored them red-white right from the ground up - normally our civil aircraft don't fly THAT low. :D
So you seem to have the same strange regulations in Canada like we have here in Europe.

Now I'm waiting eagerly for the rest of the plant... :)

Thanks for the comments everyone.
The smoke stacks started with me drawing 5inch by 1.75 inch size and having the red and white sections 1inch in height. I added the 3/32 black at the top. I printed two of these then glued them around two 1/2inch dowel that are 5inches long.
Robin my friend - you really keep the surprises coming!

Gosh, I had sworn that these chimneys were red and white pieces of some plastic dowels glued on top of each other. I only wondered where you got these dowels from. And now this: Cardboard (or paper?) again!!!

I'm baffled since I know that I'd never had managed to get these separation lines level. As it looks now, you're not only the Cardboard Wizard of the Gauge, but you're the real Lord of the (red & white) Rings, too! :D :D :D

I'll bet the folks at Walthers hope not too many people see how nicely you can scratchbuild one of their Cornerstone kits so inexpensively! Nice work!
OH MY!!! :eek: :eek:
That building can move. It's on the right of the Mill for loading the
paper to truck and rail...and on the left for unloading the supplies
to make paper. ;) :D

Deciding where to put it, eh?!

Looks great. An interesting twist on recycling.
A paper mill made of paper....;)