Panama Railroad

I am interested in the history of the Panama Canal Zone, mainly because that's where I was born and grew up. I saw a spread on the Panama Railroad a few years ago on the Train Web site (, and became determined to either acquire or try to make the engines that were displayed on this site. One that I have been attempting to scratch build based on some of the poor shots on this site is a 1,000 horsepower, 95-ton diesel-electric locomotive purchased in 1940-41, and possibly manufactured by GE. I have been scraping around the internet to find any other photos or drawings of this early diesel (I presume it was never produced as an HO model) but have had no luck. If anyone out there might be able to help me with this, I'd be most appreciative.
Bob Sprague
Bob, did you have any luck? I am a collector of Canal Zone philatelic items and anything dealing with the Panama Railroad. I would like to get models of some of the equipment of engines and have never had any luck.