Paint and glue station.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
This is something I could work on without too much effort. My work surface is constantly covered with ‘stuff’ so I decided to build a couple of organizers to help reduce the clutter. First up was the paint and glue station. It is mostly cardboard, has a drawer in the bottom and sits on a lazy suzan.



This gives me a place for all of that ‘stuff’. The little light is an LED unit, made for ‘fingernails’. It is UV or regular light and is powered by a battery pack on the back of the station. This will let me see… and cure the UV glue I finally got.

Next up is a tool station, then a materials station.
I have the Vallejo paint rack system, but I have used foamboard to make an addition to it. I's amazing what you can make with everyday materials and a good glue.
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