P-51D "Petie" 1:33 Halinski

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Looks great Johnny! Is that a gevalia mug on the desk - the king of sweden gave me a couple of those too :) (if thats what it is)
Nice looking build, this is one of my favorite aircraft, right next to the F-14 TomCat.:mrgreen:
I don't think it's a Gevalia mug :)
It's just a black one with some small siver stripes.My favourite!!

I did have some second thoughts about the next section after the cockpit.
As I see it , it's vital that it alignes with all panel lines and markings on the top and sides.

First I assembled the inner structure

next I did was to connect the two following sections with it's connecting strip,making thel align perfectly all way around.
Then I could glue it onto the cockpit section with perfect control of the lines and fit.

And as we can see from the next pictures the alignment is near perfect.

Next was to insert the framepart and glue it where it belonged and close the remaining gap at the bottom.Then I mounted the lower side panels.

Next section is the one with the tailwheel and tailfins.
Many parts to be cutted and assembled.

Just put some parts together to have a look
Progress, Paper, Paints


Coming along great. P-51 is such a beautiful plane.

Earlier you mentioned the sheen of the paper. I can see what you meant in the photo. I have an unbuilt Halinski Tiger tank and I notice the paper has a slight sheen to it, also.

I don't think it detracts at ll from the plane model.

Can you tell us what make and kind of paints we see in the background that you are using for touch-up and edges (I think?)

Thanks for the build thread!
The colors are Humbrol enamels.I use Humbrol colors to paint the pilots and metal rods etc etc.
But mostly I use plain waterbased indoor color that I get mixed at my local colorshop for edgecoloring.
Since I'm colorblind I have some difficulties with colors.So I bring the kits with me to the shop , and they do a colorscan and makes me a perfect match (mostly)

For edgecoloring on this plane I use a silver ballpoint pen that I stole from my doughter :)
Continuing the tail.

The tailstructure is glued to the frame

Next section is preshaped

And glued in place

And the last skin is in place.

The tailfin continues.....
Looks great! I bought a styrene version the other day and was, well... underwhelmed, where can I get this model?
The "natural metal" effect is actually pretty convincing. Lookin good....

Davis, California may be a nuclear-free zone, but ALL workbenches are a cat-free zone.
A few thoughts about metal print....it sure looks really good!!
But there are a few drawbacks....
Everything become visible....there are nowhere to hide errors...and I do a lot of them...not the biggest but the small ones that would have been invisible on a normal print.Well error might be the wrong word, but inaccuracy is more right.And those inaccuracies becomes very visible with the macro lense and the spot lighting.

The rudder.Drawing

Inner framework

The skins had to be formed before gluing and it's kind of picky work to get this joints nicely done.
Here I have glued one side to the rudder

And the skins are on.

The side facing forward had some flips to be joined.I found it a bit hard to get this niceely done,but it's invisible after the rudder is mounted...so I let it pass

The rudder put loosely on.It won't be glued in place before I have the radio antenna going from the top of the tailfin through the canopy and onto the pilots seat...So to have a chance of getting it straight it will be tightened up through the tailfin after glued in front.

Now on to the vertical stabilizers..
Errors - yeah, I think you made one a couple years back ;) looks great!
The horizontal stabilizers.

The drawing. Also a lot of parts involved in theese parts....

The first stab. here I have made the framing and preshaped the skin.

Next is to glue the frame to the bottom part of the skin.

And the top are glued in place.

I also couldn't resist in trying the rear part of the canopy...
That is stunning work!:thumb: I'd really like to for some of the styrene guys to see this. Wow!:mrgreen:
Thanks CJTK1701!

Finishing the tail.
The control surfaces was next out.
Here I have prepared the framework

The fins are glued in place

And the control surfaces are in place

Seen from behind

One side of the fairings are done

And an overview at last...

Now I will start on the wings!
Easter is passed and my build continues....

I made the framing for the wings.

Started on one of the wheelwells

And I made the wheel covers and the cover that is attached to the landing gear.

Another supurb job - as we have come to expect. I have Halinski's Big Beautiful Doll version of the Mustang. Now that I have seen your build, I think I might give it a try. I'm just a little leary about the silver paper.

Nice Job!

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