P 51D Halinski

Thanks for your kind words billmcc...

I will post the complete build article on my new website when I'm done with it... give me a few more days.

I use the UHU Alleskleber Extra for the most part. I use super glue for some instances where I want immediate adhesion and plain old white glue to fill in some gaps I may not like and then I just paint over it.

I will post the instructions tomorrow...

Hey guys,

I just posted some more pics from the build in my album. I am finally FINISHED!!! This means that I can finally finish my article and post it on my site... it'll take some time. Maybe Ron could post the actual article in Word format somewhere for downloading... I don't have the bandwidth for such a large file... it's almost 5 megs given all the photos.



Thanks for your kind words Bill... a masterpiece?!?! Wow, that's high praise indeed... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!... yes, it turned out quite good for my first card board model :D

I tried to post the instructions twice yesterday to the Parts Bin but with no success. Send me an e-mail at greg.leszczynski@sympatico.ca and I'll just e-mail it to you.

Thanks Rick... I didn't know stuff in the Bin needed to be approved... you live and you learn :wink:

Thanks agian...


its no biggie, we just don't want nasties to be distributed

keeping you and us all safe, that is why we do it


This may be your first cardstock model, but your years of modeling experience is evident in your excellent build of the P-51.

Do you live in the US? If so, where do you get UHU Alleskleber Extra glue?

Thank you for sharing the translated instructions.

I prefer ordering printed models from Ralph at Lighthouse Model Art. You are correct, service is great. I didn't know he sells UHU Alleskleber Extra glue. I will add the glue to my order when I get a copy of the Halinski P-51D.
Now look what you've done!

I've placed an order from Lighthouse for one of those P-51s based on this thread... Been wanting to get a D model for a while now and you helped me decide which one to get. Nice going! Also got another kit since I'm paying for shipping anyway.

Guys, I ran into bandwidth problems... I had to remove the .pdf temporarily. I will repost as a regular web page... stay tuned...

Above you can see a fuel tank ready to roll and glue to is formers...
Below you can see two tanks, one is well done the other seems that have been dropped from a high altitude and that is reason for I dont put the fuel tanks in my P 51D...
The tanks are in their real size...
What fun, I have tried two times to construct a Halinski FW 190 and have tripped over not recoginizing failure to account for panel fit accuracy. I have saved my efforts to remind me of my failure. My wife thinks I am crazy probably right. My next effort will be a Spitfire. We will see. Please post any further ideas and guides. Those Polish instructions even translated are minimal at best.
I really enjoyed reading your building story!! I was drooling in the end......
I have bookmarked it now as a tutorial :)

So much to learn....so little time....so many kits....