Oregon Western Lines Layout


Oregon Western Lines, CEO
Jan 26, 2001
Canyon City, Oregon, USA
I have put an album together on Trainboard which shows the former Canyon Mt. N-gineers club's modular layout--the Oregon Western Lines as it was displayed during the last open house. If you are interested, just start on the first picture and progress through the album. The comments that I have written are all in fun, so please don't take offense. You may have to register to see the pictures, but there is no obligation.


After the disbanding of the Canyon Mt. N-gineers group, I proceeded to purchase the modules that made up the layoaut. All 18 modules in the Oregon Western Lines layout now belong to me. :mrgreen:
Nope, that's just a bad link, unfortunately. It looks like you copied the shortened version of the link (what the browser displayed in a thread) and not the whole thing. Please try again.
Trust me. :) Trainboard is up and running. That is just a bad link. It's incomplete. It looks like it was copied from another post (possibly), but what was copied was what the message displayed (truncated link) and not the source (the entire link).
It should be working now, at least it did for me. I don't know if you have to register at Trainboard to see the albums, but I don't think so. Thanks for sticking with me, and making me aware of the problem.

Here are a couple of recent pictures of the Oregon Western Lines layout. There are a lot more pictures and information about the layout on the Oregon Western Lines' facebook page. You can click on the facebook link in my signature.


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A couple more recent pictures taken of the Oregon Western Lines layout. View my Facebook page for more current happenings at the Train Barn: Home of the Oregon Western Lines.


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I haven't visited the forums for some time, so I thought a short update might be in order. Most of my time is spent on Facebook these days. Unfortunately, I have wasted a lot of my time while online, but I occasionally get something railroad related done. At the end of 2012, I did update the Oregon Western Lines virtual tour, which you can take by visiting "My Facebook Page" in my signature and clicking on "Photos" and, then "Albums."

Here is a link, but if it doesn't work you may have to try the signature link route.

Hope to hear from you. I love reading the comments. "Likes" are always welcome. sign1