Okies On The Road


Active Member
Feb 1, 2002
Columbus GA
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I was inspired:eek: to bash this one from an article a number of years ago in RMC. The car started life as a Jordan Models Essex and the rest is stuff from my junk box:D

Its 1933 and the family farm in Oklahoma has been devestated by the drought. So the whole family has packed up and are heading to Colorado so Pa can get work on the D&RGW.

Hope Y'all enjoy this one.


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Okies #4

Pic # 4

Now if I can get half as good as Shamus with the camera I'll have it made in the shade!!!:D


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Awwwww Vic, I love them!!!!!!!

The patience you must have with those tiny lightweight bits leaves me in awe. The paint job you did on them and the texture of the tarpaulin on the trailer, and the bit's tied on, and, and, and ..... geeeee, what can I say? Thats the kind of model I dream of!! You even got the kit's slim tyres to look their correct thickness too! Most deserving of the plinth you put it on! Well done sir.


Thanks Errol for the compliments....and....aye being of the Scottish descent meself my lad I knew right of the bat what a plinth is.:D Should we tell Tyson???? HAHA!!:D
I'll bet the driver's name is Tom Joad...?;) (any Steinbeck readers here?)
Very nice work, Vic!
They may need to stop at the Hard Times Grocery for supplies! :)
Those are excellent, Vic! I can imagine my ancestors packing up and heading for greener pastures. Mine came down to Houston, TX, though. It seems we Glasgows always have to do things differently. :)

BTW, I like the garbage can. I think every car should come with a can that size attached to it! hehehehe
Hi Vic,
Outstanding my man, you made a very good job of that.

Plinth is that little bit of superb wood it is standing on.

I may switch scale!!

Great model, Vic
When I think of what I dream of doing with my layout, eventually, I know I've got to find an old airship hanger for rent:rolleyes: ...I just can't imagine getting such marvelous detail in N scale...it is amazing what you accomplished in HO!!
By the way, I think your photos are quite well done....after all, shamus was a pro for a good many years... he's 'sposed to be "Really,ReallyGood"! LOL :D
I love this new forum already! thanks Dave H., and catt
vgn :cool: (maybe...had hail and thunder already today...a very rare phenom. here abouts :eek: )