Oil drilling rig

That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool! Nice detail with the rigger on the welll head. Another excellent entry by the deftest hand with an exacto knife!
Do you ever just like...EAT the cereal without giving thought to the eternal resting place of the box it came in?:p Love the lattice work on that rig, great job.
I am always amazed at how great your cerealboard and cardboard structures look. Especially in N scale! What you do with simple tools and paper-products looks better than what most of us could produce with a complete workshop and a truckload of supplies.

Keep up the great work, I know you inspire me, and I'm sure I'm not alone!
Matthyro pumps these amazing projects out so fast, I'm convinced he has a spare bedroom filled to the ceilign with the uneaten cereal he dumped out to get the box.