Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself.


New Member
Jan 16, 2024
Nice to meet you. Thank you for including me in Zealot members.
I love making models.
I was fascinated by models after watching the British puppet show "Thunderbirds" as a child.
I mainly make plastic models, but I also love paper crafts.
I mainly made paper crafts of mechanics of Sci-Fi movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. or Japanese robot anime, and old Sci-Fi TVshow. Sometimes I design my own paper crafts.
I am not very good at English, so I may not be a good communicator. Thank you all for your cooperation.
I occasionally still watch the "Thunderbirds". They evoke many childhood memories. Your English is fine, and if you need, use Google-Translate to make your post into an English one.

Welcome to Zealot. We are happy you have joined. :)

Google Translate:
Nice to meet you Mr.zathros.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I just looked through the gallery and threads and was impressed by the many wonderful paper crafts.
Thank you for making me feel welcome.
Hello Primoprel and welcome to the zealot forum.I would love to see some of your builds. There are a lot of people here who design there own models and many builders. Its great to have you here.
I'll add my customary,
Welcome aboard!
You'll fit in nicely here, Google translate dose a good enough job, just write your post in your native language, the use google translate to make it english, then post both versions if you want.

I only speak and read english, but I know a few phrases of Latin, German, and Nipponese
Hello and welcome you to Zealot!

You have come to the right place for all things paper/cardstock, and to build and hone your skills. As you can see, we also have sections for other materials (like plastic). The members here are very helpful. As for not speaking English very well. There is no need to worry. We have many members from all over the world that are in the same situation. May I recommend using GOOGLE TRANSLATE to help you with translations.

So, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

When you start a new project, please post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here. I look forward to seeing your work.
Welcome to the forum! :)

Oh yes, THUNDERBIRDS. TB2 is one of my all-time favourite vehicles, I simply love the design. :)

I would love to see some pictures of your previous work. If you have any, please feel free to post them here.

Have fun and enjoy! :)
We got Thunderbirds here, under the title, in resources by Gary Pilsworth or in Scifi. Glad to have you here!