Next couple of special projects...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018

Given current events, I picked up this special decal sheet from Fallout Hobbies as well as some free StL files with similar doors for the Rhino and Landraiders. The Classic Space Marine pauldrons they provided didn't print so well on my fillament printer, but if you have a resin printer they should be fine. I cannot think of a finer set of models to put these on to. Not sure if the Landraider on the right is a Patoroch design, or someone whe knows that he assisted in getting the layout done for.

Honestly, it is tragic times for us all these days, as many papercraft model designers and builders are caught in the crossfire of the shooting war and the political fallout. I wish our Ukrainian and Russian builders peace, and a return to the what brought us all together in the first place.
It's good to plan! :)