New to the hobby!


New Member
Jun 23, 2010

I have experience in building models- but not like this, thats for sure. I need some introduction.

For one, do you build these out of cardboard? Can you use plasticard/sheet styrene? how do you keep them "sturdy", to use the only words that come to mind? :mrgreen:

in general, how do you build a model out of nothing but paper? Is there some kind of tutorial you could link me to? i'm sure the topic is a broad question, but a few generalizations maybe? I'm not against scouring a multitude of tuts if I can at least figure out what I'm looking for...

I know I'm asking a lot. Some background: I've played Warhammer 40k for about 6 years (anyone familiar with this should know that I'm big on Battlefleet Gothic- the spaceship game for the 40k background). I'm a huge sci fi nerd and there are TONS of spaceships out of science fiction I would love to build that they just don't make kits for. This is a very interesting prospect for that reason.

I hope I can stick around and figure this out, and thanks!
Paper and cardboard

Depending on the size of the model, you could use normal paper, heavy paper (or matte photo paper) or heavy cardboard (non-corrugated). Sometime a combination of those, as the model specifies.
Paper might seem fragile, but folds and curves in it strengthen it greatly (related to base paper). If you roll a postcard in a cylinder, it might even support your weight. Also, glueing does strengthen a model (in my case, superglue on a normal printing paper model made it a toy my 2 years old boy can "handle").
To add to what Calinous just said.... it may not be apparent from the outside, but a lot of card models have internal support structures (formers, struts) that provide the needed rigidity.

I think you'll get a better understanding on this topic by checking the various build threads located in this forums. Some build threads provide enough pictures that show how the model is created. From there you'll more or less get an idea how these are constructed, and how they are made sturdy. :)
Alright, that answered the first question. I guess there is nothing left but "to do".

announce1 To the search function!

Thanks for your help, much appreciated!

As an example, here is a thread that starts with the framework:

Look especially at this picture, and you might have an idea about how strong the final model will be:
start with some freebies :) there are only about 10,000 or more out there :) that will be the BEST introduction to the hobby. looking forward t seeing some pics of your work. If you are worried about what people will think keep in mind my first builds were done with a stapler before I found this community, just by starting here you have a huge leg up! :D
Glad someone posted this. I'm in the same boat and was wondering about how some of the larger pieces were holding their shapes especially during the curing process without supports. Can't wait to get started on first project!
well, I've found a model I want to do, but it comes with no instructions...

It would be the third ship, the Rifter. This is what inspired me to try this.

A few questions-

1) Not to be blunt but do I just print this and cut it out? :mrgreen: anything I should know? I woudl love to do it in thin cardstock or something a bit sturdier than paper, although I believe you all have said paper is ok.

2) Can I rescale it? I want it smaller than the model appears to be. how would I do this?

3) Is there any way of taking textures ('meshes') like this out of a video game program? I found a thread that had soemone saying they coudl do it. Then this is completely limitless! :)

4) how would one accomplish rounded edges?

I don't want to ask this much, but I am bewildered as to where to begin...

There are partial instructions on that page, this would be a link:

Cut it out, use the areas marked by gray lines for "glue tabs" (glue them to other parts of the model). If you see lines that are not to be cut, mark them with an ink-less pen so the folds (those are folds) will fold straight.
You can get "one dimensional" - cylinders, cones - folds in paper easily, if you want "two dimensional" folds you need to "work" the paper to the correct shape.
I'd suggest using a cheap printer in "economy" mode to print on normal paper, so you can try the model. If you already have a laser printer, printing a page is very very cheap (use economode with grays instead of blacks to save on toner).
If you want to make the model reduced, you could try to print on a smaller paper type and "zoom" the print (let's say A5 instead of B5 will give you 50% size). Conversely, you could try to print it and copy it on a copier (those usually have 25% to 400% resizing available).

well, I've found a model I want to do, but it comes with no instructions...

It would be the third ship, the Rifter. This is what inspired me to try this.

A few questions-

1) Not to be blunt but do I just print this and cut it out? :mrgreen: anything I should know? I woudl love to do it in thin cardstock or something a bit sturdier than paper, although I believe you all have said paper is ok.

2) Can I rescale it? I want it smaller than the model appears to be. how would I do this?

3) Is there any way of taking textures ('meshes') like this out of a video game program? I found a thread that had soemone saying they coudl do it. Then this is completely limitless! :)

4) how would one accomplish rounded edges?

I don't want to ask this much, but I am bewildered as to where to begin...
