need a small logging plan please


I really think you should re-evaluate the placement of the boats at the dock. Having anything right up against the edge of the layout makes it look strange, and out of place. For boats, you need water... and lots of it, to create the effect of a real waterway being used for shipping.

Vehicles, in particular, look very out of place unless located more than their own width away from the edge. Placing them at least their length from the edge improves the effect even more.

I like what you're doing, and the rest of the plan looks preety dang good. I just don't think you'll be happy if you try to finish the dock area that way. It will be one of those areas you always looking at, trying to figure out what's not right.

EDIT:OH,you meant away from the layout edge,oops,missed that part.i could do that but i dont wanto to extend the layout any larger,and the lumber boat is my main source of traffic since i have no real interchange. only a 4 by 8,im not trying to make a extreme detail project outta this.--josh
i added a small town in the blank spot above the mill,and i still cant find a way to add more water space to make the scene look larger for the ships,although i think itl be fine,and if its not ill add a skyline going to an imaginary "ship" in the aisle.i could even make it removable for different scenes with different vessels in port every few pics.--josh
Two thumbs up!


I like it! Perfect with the town above the tracks. Now, when do you start?

BTW- now I'm going to have to start planning and get everyone's input.
cool,i love this plan more than the LL,ill probably start by printing this out 1:1 and laying risers and roadbed this week.thanks for all your help,and toeveryone else who has followed along to prvide ther valuable insight.thanks.--josh
any updates?

I haven't been here for a while; work/everything keeping me busy. Wondering if you have some piccies!
guess who has pics!

i finally got some pics of my work in progress,first is the logging side of the layout with cardboard and window screen landforms begining and the small canyon in the corner.

here is the right side of the layout with the small canyon,which will get larger :mrgreen: where the two trestles will pass over it

here is the canyon itself and after it is the beggining of the backdrop for this side with a storm cloud in the distance.



and finally the son to be started port side of the layout with my half primered backdrop :thumb: i hope you guys iked the awaited progress pics.thanks.--josh

i usually rough in all my terrain before i lay any track,as it gives me ideas for culverts and streams,etc.ill be using micro engineering C70 track and switches.and quick Q for anyone who built a logging line before,should i lay the track on roadbed or not,since it wont be very well maintained track.and if i do use roadbed,i've got some foam strips that are approx. and 1/8 in tall,could i use that? TIA--josh
For me it's like making an intentional musical 'mistake'. It's hard to make an intentional wrong note sound intentional because it requires excellent musical skill, vs. a novice just playing badly.

So it can be hard to lay track that operates reliably but looks shoddy. Even harder is laying "bad" track that makes locomotives and cars rock n roll without derailing or jiggling.

I'd suggest: determine what is best for reliable operation first, then push it and see how much error you can get away with, or how badly you can make it look without losing reliable operation.
i think ill try the 1/8in foam on some scrap wod,it is relatively squishy,bu not much.and it will help even out the lumps or any imperfections in my sub-roadbed.and ill just use less ballast to make it look like a badly maintained track.i saw an article in MRR about using small slivers of styrene to make uneven track with just enouh movement to make the cars rock (although my roadbed would probably have the same effect :mrgreen:) more updates soon.--josh
i know im an extremely slow modeler but i hve gotten a little work done :thumb:,i covered the rest of the scenery in mesh,laid down the roadbed and am ready to lay track.atleast on the logging side :mrgreen:.also got the access panel framed in.i also tried my hand at tree making (i know its a pretty sad first try :rolleyes:)so here they blow!.--josh



Are those trees carved from balsa? I read an article recently by a guy who makes redwoods just like you've got. They're beautiful.
actually MM there red cedar shakes! i had an old bundle of them and they were the right color and easy enough to carve with a course blade say and a razor saw for the bark,i plan to use the same trunk technique for my close up trees with individually applied fern branches for a better look.and for reference the article i used was from 2guys,it helped out alot.--josh
actually MM there red cedar shakes! i had an old bundle of them and they were the right color and easy enough to carve with a course blade say and a razor saw for the bark,i plan to use the same trunk technique for my close up trees with individually applied fern branches for a better look.and for reference the article i used was from 2guys,it helped out alot.--josh

Sounds even better! The right color and texture from the get-go...I like it, and I like the idea of the smaller stuff making up smaller trees. Sounds like you may have shown the rest of us a very useful technique. :thumb: