name for a type of "switch"



What is the piece of track called where a narrow gauge track diverges from a dual-gauge track? It would be like a switch, but one leg would be standard gauge, another narrow gauge, and the third dual-gauge. Technically, it would not be a "switch" because both the narrow and standard gauge tracks only have one route, and there are no points ot direct the trains. And does anyone ahve a good photo of such an arrangement?

And does anyone ahve a good photo of such an arrangement?
Darn! I know a guy who has several of the types of things you're talking about, but I don't know what they are, and I couldn't take pics of his layout. I think what you're talking about is like a switch, but there are no throw switches and there are alot more frogs!
is it a gauntlet track your thinking of? where two tracks converge and diverge without moving parts? i think there was a thread on this a while ago,ill post a link.--josh
that was quick :mrgreen:,here the thread by bigjim on 2 standard gauge tracks converging on one trestle,i guess the same concept would apply for narrow and standard.--josh
Kevin: I think it's still called a switch or turnout. I've never seen another name for it. I know that the special work that move the narrow gauge from one side of the standard to the other is called a "swish".
You know that the one you asked about comes in 2 varieties? Depends if the narrow track goes off on the common rail side there's one frog while if comes off the other way there are two.
And it may have a point (just one) or it may have something like a streetcar's "switch mate" -- a large casting to carry the wheel through while the other side has a guard rail to pull the car around.
This is one I don't know the answer but I know what he is talking about. Lets hope we can get the answer to this question and maybe someone should start a thread with questions just like this. The people that know the answers are fast disappearing.
I'm sure that a lot of younger people might have questions but are too shy to ask, so get over any shyness and ask the questions before the answers disappear. I think I'm still young but I've already forgot my question :mrgreen:
nope a gauntlet track is different. The reason I'd like to know the name is so that I can google it to get a photo, and then build one!

Some European model manufacturers call a dual-gauge track splitting into one standard and one narrow route a "bifurcation". I've never seen an example of what you describe, though. I'm sure it must exist somewhere, but I don't know if there's a name for it. There are so many possible dual gauge "puzzle switches" that there can't be a name for every version.... can there?
If both gauges are using a common rail, it would still be considered a switch/turnout.

If using different rails, it could be almost anything, as already stated. Bifurcation, divergence, guantlet...

If you want pictures, just google "dual gauge switch." I got plenty of results. One of the common ones happens to be this: Image:DualgaugeHakonetozanJP14.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If those aren't the type of results you are looking for, switch it up a bit. (pun not intended) Try throwing 'railroad', 'narrow', 'model', or similar words in there; or find a historic narrow gauge road that interchanged with a standard gauge road. Throw their name in there, and see if you can get something better.

Edit: Don't forget to check out the 'web results' on google, too. Sometimes the images won't show under image search, but a great link will be under 'web results'.