My On3 layout

thank's for sharing.

I have handlaid track in Ho/ Hon3 on cork roadbed in a pinch. I highly recommend Homabed, with something as labor inrensive as hand laying track, it doesn't pay to scrimp on materials.

My layout is Ho, and Hon3, but I do own a Weisman Model Services On3 CN # 60 Shay, and a Bachman On30 Climax with sound, that I intend to spread to ON3. I also have a static On42 (Japanese narrow gauge) brass Porter mogul, that I am searching for a simple Ho mogul that I can re gauge to ON3, which would give me a mechanism for an interesting one of a kind.

On3 uses up a lot of space, but I love the detail you can get.
First, I don't actively participate in this forum any longer....personal reasons.
I do, occasionally, get email notification of posts, but Bill's post this morning is the first I been notified of in a long time.

Timbercreekrr, Sorry I missed your post. The Bachmann Mogul provided the boiler, cab, and tender for an On30 2-8-2, that used an Athearn Genesis 2-8-2 mechanism. I am not aware of any conversion kits that would convert it to an On3 version, but would imagine that longer axels could be fabricated. The only tricky part would be getting the quartering right.
I intend using the Mogul mechanism, along with a second one, to build a 30" gauge 2-6-6-2T with tender, in On30......but that is a project low on the list of other projects waiting to be finished/started.