My Mom Passed yesterday 8/27/20 8:15 a.m.


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
I wasn't going to post this but you guys are one of the best groups of people I know, so I though I would share this personal event.

My Mom was a wonderful strong woman. My father died when I was 5 and she raised a family of 8 on her own. She never collected welfare, she worked 16 hours a day for over 20 years. She was a seamstress, and an electronic technician, making Gyroscopes for missiles at Hamilton Standard. She did some many things, I could not list them all. The greatest was the love she gave us, and taught us how to give. She taught us empathy, leadership, how to follow, when to speak up and when not to.

God blessed her buy letting the cascade of events that took her life to happen rather quickly, which let her pass in peace.

The world is a lesser place now without her, but a better place because of her.

I love my mom.

I believe she is now "like flotsam on the shores of Heaven, waiting till the return of the Lord". Thank You, and may God Bless all of you. ;)


I'm so sorry to hear this.

You and your mom will be in my prayers. It is good to know that she didn't have to suffer for long.

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As one who knows the pain of loosing both parents, I offer you my deepest sympathies. The way you talk of your mother, makes your love for her clear, and she must have been a special person to take care of you all by herself.

I won't lie and say you'll get over the loss, because there is not a day that goes by that I don't miss my mother wish I could have talked too her one more time, wished I could have been there to comfort her when her time came, but alas, I was in another state when she died.

Take comfort in your memories of her. I don't know your religious beliefs, but mine tell me to take comfort in knowing that we will meet again, when the Lords time comes.

Know that you, and your family are in my prayers, and I will quietly grieve for your loss.

May God bless you, and keep you safe in your time of grief.

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Thanks guys, for the record, I am Christian, a Catholic who was Protestant but joined the Catholic church because they need more Protestants. That's the way the Holy Spirit explained it to me anyways!) . ;)
You already know you are in my daily prayers. Unfortunately, this is a recent pain we both share as I lost my father last month. You know we are all here if you need us.

My father and I regularly went to lunch in his last year. A couple of days ago I went alone to one of his favorites and ate one of his favorite selections. I could almost see him sitting across from me during that meal. I was on the edge of tears the whole time but treasured the memory.

God bless you, John.
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I'm so very sorry. You have helped me, and so many others out here for sure, and I wish you peace and comfort through this.
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I add my condolences to all these, John. To carry the burden she carried, and to do it so remarkably well, means that your Mother was truly an exceptional person.
Take heart, my friend. She waits for you on the other side.
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I am sure that God will accept those who gave as much in life as you indicate your mother did. Mourn but take comfort from Christ who is there to lighten your load.
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My most sincere condolences on your loss. I share your pain as I lost my mother 2 years ago to colon cancer.Moms are among the biggest influences in our lives, we make them proud by using their teachings in our everyday lives. That to me is among one of the best ways to honor her memory. Stay strong.
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Thanks Eagleclaw. Our Mother's do and have done so much for us. To all, visit or call you Mom, as much as you can, if she is still alive. It makes life full. Same goes for your Dad's. :)
I am not a believer but my thoughts are with you and your family in these times that I know are difficult having also lost my young father.
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John I'm so sorry to hear about your MOM! Prayers for you and the family. I lost my MOM 3 years ago, just after her 100th birthday. Its never easy to lose a parent. Hang in there!
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