My first module


New Member
Aug 14, 2007
My first module, build last fall, was a 72cm by 28cm straight section with a bridge. I used 9mm plywood for the frame and 22mm under the track.
On this module I used Märklins c-track.

The kit :)
modul1 001.jpg

The sides are defined in a specification (guidelines).
12 mm holes spaced 5cm from bottom, 10 cm apart. in the center another hole 12 cm from bottom.
The top 'cut out' is for the 22mm plywood carrying the rail (22mm * 60 mm). The bottom is for cables/wires. It is 30 * 60 mm.

modul1 002.jpg


Preparing room for an Atlas girder plate bridge

With the bridge in place

Since I had no abutments laying around. Me and Evergreen took care of it.

More work on the bridge abutments

It seems to fit [:)] time to add the good ole' Humbrol Filler

Some pink foam glued in place using latex.

(news)paper in place, We're ready for the plaster cloth.
plastercloth in place.

some newspaper wads as base for the riverbed.


Slots cut out to fit the bridge abutments. Didn't turn out too bad...

Next step will be to add some rock faces/castings and paint all the wooden sides black.
(images link to 500k images)
Rockfaces attached using hydrocal

I use aluminum foil between rockfaces to make the oozing hydrocal look more like the rocks

Woodland scenics 'Earth Color Kit'

I've used burnt umber, raw umber, stone gray och slate gray.
Tallus added (WS fine brown and coarse buff)

The tallus etc is SOAKED with a mixture of white glue, water and rubbing alcohol.

Abutments glued in place using latex. Bridge test fitted (to be painted...)

The camera reveals quite a few spots where I will need to add a bunch of ground foam [:)]
The gaps around the bridge support has been fixed with putty

Picture clickable for a larger image

Picture clickable for a larger image

the putty then painted with the same brown latex paint and sprinkled with earth blend ground foam

Picture clickable for a larger image

Picture clickable for a larger image

Picture clickable for a larger image
The bridge has been prepared with for pre-ballast paiting:

Picture clickable for larger image

Picture clickable for larger image

Ballast in place. Glue to come (hopefully it will look about the same when I'm done...)

Picture clickable for larger image

The UP ALCO was very eager to check out the new tracks [:D]

Picture clickable for larger image

A bunch more of pictures here

Some weathering of the tracks and the ballast.
In order to make the main line look like it's busy, I've given the rails some dirt [:)].
Using a brush I first added a wash of PS earth diluted with 5 parts water. Then some PS grimy black diluted with 10 part water and finally on the outside a wash of PS rust 1 to 5.

click for larger image

click for larger image

click for larger image

I've also begun adding some WS Fine-leaf Foliage
Basically done!
Pines planted. The trunks/roots need some low vegetation...

I think it took me some 20-30 hrs to build this (inlc. bridge etc)

All pictures clickabel for larger versions

First out a 50s picture

That was it :)
Hey! That turned out very well. Great to have you here at the Gauge, and thnaks for the "how-to" photos.

Welcome aboard!

I'm curious, to most Swedish modelers of US trains use NEM style couplers on their models or do they use kadees?
I believe a lot of the European models have NEM style couplers.
There are some kadees that can be used with the NEM pockets. I have a few, and I'm planning to replace to Kadees on the cars where it's possible
Thanks, so far I have 7 modules. More to come :) Not quite sure if it'll be a station (using walther Golden Valley structures) or one featuring Walthers New River Mining...