my artwork

unfortunately, i never been a person of politics. my most common subjects involves things in nature with both extant and extinct flora and fauna. thats just my passion.:)
i think we all heard of megalodon before
Ah, but showing a beautiful bird, with a Six-Pack ring tangled up on it's neck, leg and wing, making it incapable of flight could win you an award, but even more importantly, make a bold statement about those creatures that are your passion. You already are making political statements, you just don't realize it yet. You paint/draw things as they should be. That's a strong statement. I wonder in the word "pain" is inside "paint" by accident! :)
This is 3 Dimensional thinking. I wonder if you may have any dyslectic tendencies. It is true of many artists and other brilliant people, like most rocket engineers, me, (I have to read how a book ends, or I usually won't read it. I used to get eight foot long 4 feet wide by 1.5' thick Ingots of aluminum and I had to do the datum plains, and the bulk head of the helicopter would be based on the flats and holes I drilled., I really could see the part in there) Then again, many aren't!! :) , I bet you see the figures on paper, then try to draw when you see, and know when it's not right, and do it again till it is, and I bet that is getting less and less..
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i had to draw this guy after seeing that trailer. i originally had doubts on the creatures design when i saw early pictures of it, but that new trailer shed new light on the hybrids epic design. i look forward to seeing it in the actual movie. whats not to like about this creature?
well from a paleontologist point of view, this would be considered a butchering sin to everything scientifically and evolutionary speaking. but still, a good movie monster design imo i'm looking at this film with a mind set of a entertaining thriller movie. not a documentary.
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Maybe, but do the Paleontologists point of view, do they really know? There's a lot of guess work on their part too. :)
actually we do know quite a bit through phylogenetic placement that large theropods of this stature lost the fourth and fifth digits over the course of evolution. most of i-rex's anatomy points to a carcharodontosaur origin. one of the last surviving group of theropods that kept all four fingers were ceratosaurs such as abelisaurids and noasaurids which were small and reminecent. the precumbent, conical teeth on a skull that seems more suited to obtaining dentition suited for flat, slicing teeth is also questionable. the pronated hands are also an eye sour when in reality, they anatomically couldn't twist their wrists and remained stationary with arms facing one another. i- rex is essentially a hybrid of different animals.

but all this is looking at this movie through a documentary point of view. these things are what make these creatures good movie monsters. i always loved the jurassic park franchise even with the large amount of inaccuracies their dinosaurs have due to the fact that it's one of the few nationally known flicks that can grab the peoples attention on dinosaurs.
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You lost me on the ninth word. From now on, I take your word on it! You really know your subject matter. Good to see the watermark, You could go back and put that on all of your work, if you wished. :)

Beautiful drawing, by the way. :)
it's just fancy fancy talk that states that the animal displayed in Jurassic world has a series of traits from animals of little relation and dissimilar evolutionary adaptions.

anyway, it's been a while since i displayed another drawing here hasn't it? lets fix that, shall we?

heres helicoprion.
the famous ancient shark with one of natures most wicked jaw apparatus. this shark possibly went through more reconstructions then any other shark. this due o it's odd, spiraled row of teeth. such teeth and mouth design has absolutely no analogue with out extant fauna, therefore scientist ere stumped on how this mouth would of was only fairly recently did we found out that it's teeth can spin backwards to a limited degree in a chainsaw like fashion. when prey is caught, such as this squid, the teeth would rotate backwards, sawing and sending the unfortunate prey item into it's throat.


and heres cretoxyrhina mantelli
the prehistoric ginsu shark. both predator and prey to the mosasaur species it coexisted with at the time. compared to other prehistoric sharks, this is possibly the most well understood. known from exceptionally well preserved remains( which is very rare for any cartilaginous fish) measuring 6- 7 meters in length, this large shark on average is around as big as a record breaking great white. it has given direct evidence of this shark at the very least, scavenged off bodies of mosasaurs (although, squalicorax is another possible candidate.). ectenosaurus was also very small for mosasaur standards, so this being an example of predation is also credible.

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By the requirements of Mt art teacher, we must print out two pictures of similar subjects, and cut and weave them into one image. We must then create a grid on a larger sheet of paper and draw the image onto it. I decided to use the eye of sauron and the eye of smug to combine into one eye. I used color pencils for this illistration

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a 3 meter long prehistoric shark of the mid- cretaceous. this species of squalicorax is rather modestly sized with small, broad teeth and a fast, hydrodynamic design. it is likely that this creature is a high speed pursuit and/ scavenging. it was likely too small to be able to compete with larger sharks such as cretoxyrhina or or large mosasaurs. so being adapted to a different niche would be beneficial for this sharks survival. likely keeping well out of sight from larger carnivores while it resumes to hunt smaller prey and scavenge from the remains of various oceanic creatures.

Awesome! It's an honour and a pleasure to see all these great images and learn from the descriptions. :)
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heres for the biuldabetterfaketheropod challenge. even though i quite like the indominus rex design, i thought it would be cool to contribute a dinosaur of my creation. so heres my submission. because i'm lazy, i'm calling it indominus 2.0. it's basically a re imagining of all the hybrids places in the indominus rex DNA. i included a facial crest for distinction. it's highly intelligent, can change color and texture of it's skin, can regulate i's ovn body temperature at will, has a secondary jaw pallete lined with teeth on the lower jaw to render escape useless. and lastly, it can inflate it's throat to make itself appear larger if necessary.
more progress will come
Freddyman, did you pull some of your pictures? I can't see some of them?
Are you uploading them directly? You do not need photo-hosting here, you can upload the actual image file. :)