my artwork

i'll seek torwards doing so.
in the meantime, heres my first drawing made using pen and ink. it's a broud- snouted caiman head
the broad snouted caiman is a small crocodilian with large males measuring about 6 feet in length. these primarily nocturnal animals predate mostly on fish and invertebrates, but they are known to hunt readily on turtles. their thick, muscular jaws serve well in cracking open the shells of small turtles.

and now, a dinosaur with a beard
a sauroniops walks by, missing a finger as evident of a previous battle it had with a rival. sauroniops was a large carcharodontosaur known by two, uniquly shaped rests that would of been located over the orbitals. it is beleived it would of given this particular theropod a threatening stare.
this is a drawing i made during school. a changyraptor ripping at it's unfortunate reptilian far, this theropod is the largest four winged theropod discovered. measuring 4 feet in length, it was almost twice the length of microraptor. whats also noticable is the elongated tail feathers on the tail. such structures could of aided in airial manuverability, or even courtship
a large siats taking a dip in water to cool off. interesting event, it was originally standing on land, but i messed up on the feet form and position really badly. not wanting to give up on this drawing and with no means of redoing the mistake i have made. i had to save this drawing somehow, so this came to mind

this 9- 12 meter neovenatorid was the top predator of its environment. it outsize all the coelurosaurs at the time and has suppressed the tyrants from taking higher positions.
Both your drawings and your knowledge of these creatures GREATLY IMPRESSES me!!!
I am always looking forward to seeing what new creature you draw up.
confuciusornis is a genus of pigeon- sized primitive avian theropods that lived in china during the early cretaceous. most noticeable for it's elongated tail feathers that stretch out longer them it's entire body. it is also known for it's comparatively large manus claws. which are most likely used for climbing

the movie said it enough times to get the point across. the movie, the giant claw, is essentially about a giant bird constantly being described as being as big as a battleship from another dimension that also has a force field to protect it from military fire.

hows that for a random plot antagonist?

this drawing is especially stylized, being that the actual screen accurate creature looks like a muppet gone wrong, i based most of the creatures looks off of the andean condor from memory, being that i drew this with no reference.

Freddyman, have you gone to a publisher with your portfolio? Think about it, one of these, printed over sized, so people could take pages out, and frame them. I could see school science departments, and art departments, buying these. You are sitting on a goldmine!! :)
How about a nice drawing of the "Cloverfield" monster with some scenery for relevance> :)
nice idea. i'll keep a mental note for that comission;)

heres my most recent work

i don't think their friends.

a ferocious battle of the terror of the Triassic. carnufex carolinensis ( otherwise known as the carolina butcher) was a 3 meter long crocodylomorph that shows some adaptions to bipedal locomotion. at 3 meters in length, it was considerably larger then the rest of the terrestrial fauna living 231 million years ago. this guy is discovered just two hours away from where i live
Have you ever considered doing "Political Posters"? You do them on the subject, not along party lines. Your artwork could be very effective in delivering a message. Some issues, most that matter cross all party lines. :)