my artwork

Zealot's own Artist and animal fossil and live animal records keeper for Galactic wildlife Distribution. :)

P.S. I fixed that picture for you on post # 167. It's better if you right click on the "Image'", and select "Copy Image Location", and paste that info into the picture insertion box, better to upload directly, that will be a requirement soon.. :)
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meet the small tyranosaurid of Utah. It is known from an incomplete skull and postcranial skeleton recovered from the Kaiparowits Formation. measuring over 6 meters in length, the theropod has given reason to speculate it being rather young when it died, meaning the adult creature could of been bigger.
this fictional animal goes apart with the divers fauna of the lost world

Neocynodon hypocola is a fairly typical species of cynodont, similar to most ancestral Triassic forms like Thrinaxodon. It is similar in size to a badger, and lives in burrows like badgers do. Neocynodon is a carnivore who hunts small game; lizards and small reptiles, small mammals and young dinosaurs and their eggs. To stay out of the way of danger, Neocynodon is nocturnal and rests in its burrow during the day, hunting only at night, like its ancestors.
Pretty much inspired by modern giant petrol and their grotesque feeding behavior, I drew this quick scetch of a spinosaurus probing it's roestom in the belly of a paralatitan carcass. I actually quite suprise Noone depicted this behavior for a spinosaur. I've seen plenty of dromaeosaur depictions. I'll be willing to claim to be first to bring up this possible feeding behavior
a little preveiw of a WIP i'm working on. although it helps, just because were both giant plant eaters with different niches doesn't mean we should automatically be nice and sing kumbaya together. meet the two theropods at their worst of attitudes. a maternally protective mother therizinosaurus and a musk enraged,territorial deinocheirus during the breeding season. can this end well?
Wow, you need to find a publisher. I am sure you could get this published, especially as plates frame or something like that. Truly magnificent. :)
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That is a SCARY BEAST!!!
I have to say that you have been gifted a WONDERFUL talent!!!
It does not matter if you post a B&W or full colour drawing, you are able to put so much into each one and they all seem to come to life and jump off the paper.
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O.K. post number 188. That picture is the most alive, in your face pic I have seen you make. What is going on in your mind. I wish I could visit your consciousness in these moments of creativity. :)
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at 1 meter in length, this robust dissorophid is among the most unique of it's family. it is believed to be a fully terrestrial amphibian that supported armored scutes along it's body. and just like the synapsids at the time, phatyhystrix supported a large sail that most likely helped the amphibian thermoregulate
Excellent! This and the previous ones should definitely be part of an artbook.
I think the hand drawing is what gives depth to the skin and separates the details. This is st in many C.G. creatures, where everything is a flat texture, and the "Bump" feature is not used properly. Beautiful artwork. I bet you have great Penmanship! :)
probably what happens when evolution driven a steam roller for a bit and ended up running over a temnospondyl amphibian by accident. gerrothorax was a 3 foot long amphibian that lived in the Triassic. it had wide jaws filled with frighteningly pointed teeth. it's eyes are located above the head, suggesting that gerrothorax was an aquatic ambush hunter. waiting patiently while being camouflaged in the murky ground before targeting, lunging, and swallowing an unfortunate fish or other amphibian.
meet the king of all amphibians. prionosuchus was a massive temnospondyl amphibian that measured 9 meters in length. it dwarfed extant crocodilians by comparison. it's elongated, slender jaws were made suitable for catching fish and other small aquatic animals, so it most likely lived life as a completely amphibious gharial.