my artwork

Very nice. Do you make Lithographs? It might be something to get into. I am most impressed by you knowledge of these creatures. To me it's a dinosaur doing something with a group of other dinosaurs, but I still like what I am looking at. :)
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A dieinocherius ripping water plants from their roots encounters a snake on a log. As it contimplates whether to eat it or not, a therozinosaurus keeps a watchful eye on the strange creature as it comes to drink. The picture is a work in progress
your pictures tell stories thats great:):):)
Btw, heres a broad head skink I caught and released today


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Most definitely. If you uploaded pictures big enough for desktop background, wow, that would really be something. Go for it. I'll make the thread a "Sticky".....................Just did! :)
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Hetes a new sketch I made and soon would be further detailed. Its a sinosaurus. It is a member of dilophosauridae that lived in the early Jurassic, 196 to 183 million years ago. Discovered in the dark red beds in yunnan province, China, this theropod was a very feared predator. It was an advance form of dilophosaurid. It differs from other celophydids due to its robust body, compact head and powerful jaws. Meaning it's more closely related to cryolophosaurus then the similar looking dilophosaurus. My sketch is based on an actual skeleton mount. I might depict it running after a young yunnanosaurus, in which it would successfully gain lead on the protosuropod and lacerate an possibly crush the neck and/ or head


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I went ahead and try to gain more practice on mammalian carnivora. right now their only sketches that I hope to get edited on photoshop once I get my new Acer. ( this thing is like a slightly cheaper version of a Mac). So I went and drawn a dire wolf. The dire wolf, or canis dirus, was a massive prehistoric wolf with an averaging weight of 70 kgs. This drawing shows a dire wolf that is far from being pleased.


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This one here is a macrokentriodon. Macrokentriodon was essentially a giant dolphin. Averaging 16 ft( 5 meters) in length. It lived in the middle miocene where it could of predated on fish, cephalopods, possibly even the smaller sharks that lived alongside it. This sketch shows a large one capturing a physogaleus( prehistoric shark similar in morphology of a tiger shark) by the tail


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Now for a drawing of a more calmer depiction. What is drawn here is the massive prehistoric canine, epicyon. It is one of the largest canids that ever lived. Being able to grow to weights as large as 374 pounds (170 kgs), this dog was very cat like in some ways. It is described to have a decent degree of grappling ability with it forelimbs, which is strange for a canine, but it retained a massive skull that can produce a bone crushing amount of force. Something many unfortunate prey items had found out.

I Was tired of the usual wide mouth, running and about to rip your face off poses i usually make these animals look like. So I drew one at rest. Probably cooling itself under a tree, or panting after an unsuccessful predator/ prey chase


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a skeletal drawing of a common pigeon. The toe digets is all that is left before I start labelling the bones


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The mighty komodo dragon is the lizard of nightmares. With a maximum weight of 366 pounds, 10 ft in length, skin reinforced with oesteoderms giving it armor, and equipted with serrated dentition capable of cutting through bone, and to top it off, highly efficient venom that takes effect almost instantly in large, warm blooded animals. this lizard dominates the few Indonesian islands as top predator.
Now rewind backwards 2.5 million years ago during the pleistocene era in austrailia, there was another varanid virtually identical to the komodo dragon, but was over 5 times hevier. The 23 ft, 1 ton megalania was among the most ferocious land predators to have ever lived alongside our ancestors. At the time, we were most likely hunted by these large monitor lizard along side huge marsupials of a wide variety.

This was a quick sketch I made today. These sketches kind of show how I formulate the posture and demension of the animals I draw, so I though it would be pretty neat to share them. This megalania has human contact before, spears are embedded into the skin, but are far from life threatening to the large, armored reptile. The spears would likely fall off in a while.
I really like this one along with the dire wolf and the epicyon. I will scan these images before doing further detail into them.


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