My 3 pictures of 6069.

If anyone lives in the vicinity of her present location, we have a meeting this month with the city to decide wether or not to proceed or scrap the locomotive. I am looking for support to restore her rather than have her cut up. PLease pm me if interested
Try this approach on the city council, asbestoes abatement costs were in 1998, higher during a scrapping contract verses cosmetic restoration.

In the late 90's, I was directly involled with a loco that was slated for ash-trays but with the very mention of "that dirty white stuff" scrappers backed off with tenders so high that council decided to "clean-'n-paint" which ended up cheaper and no liability to the city. This loco was saved, sold and back on display, albeit in a different province.


The meeting went very well and once confirmation is received next month,her future will be much brighter!
Hard to believe it has been 2 years since I posted on here Time for an update!
Work has been ongoing to clean and repair the Locomotive starting in the cab. Some progress has been made and an inspection of the firebox undertaken and given a clean bill of health. All doors to the cab including the coal doors are now properly secured. She has had new number boards fitted as well as having her numberplate on the front replaced with a replica one. Engine builders plates are also being replaced with replicas as well. Still lots to do but it is good to see her turning the corner!.