Model Of The Month: Daishi's Frost Dragon by DanBKing


Ok that's .... SERIOUSLY COOL!

I think that's about my favorite built so far (mine are excluded cuz im partial :p)

But seriously I love how it looks: that stand is very cool, the colors on the are very cool, also everything else is is very cool too.


Cool! :cool: Glad you like it. Being a Frost Dragon, it's gotta be cool!!! sign1

I am glad that I did YOUR template justice. I am very happy with the result. But, without YOUR template, it never would have been achievable.

Daishi, a FANTASTIC, precise, clean and BEAUTIFUL template.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
A call of nature

Dear, Revell_Fan.......... ;)







P.S: None of these photos are Photoshopped. All pictures were taken with a Nikon DSLR with a 75-300 telephoto lens. No further processing has taken place, apart from converting to JPG format.
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And these are just crying out to be photoshopped. (I have the NEF(RAW) files if anybody wants to play ...... :twisted: )




I still have to finish processing the 'studio quality' shots. I hope to post them tonight, or otherwise tomorrow.


Man, what can I say that hasn't been said? Maybe just tell you how happy I am for you, and how your great work did daishi's model perfect justice.
We (I think I can say that) followed you along this thread, held our breaths in the setback you've had, and now we can take deep breaths of exhilaration.


Thank you so much for sharing this build with us. It was quite an odyssey but I think you may agree with me that the final result compensates for all the trouble. It is simply beautiful. Kudos for a job well done! :thumb::thumb::thumb:

(Thank you very much for the outdoor pics; they cam out beautifully. I also took some nature shots of Crichton on Sunday - and caught a "nice" 1st degree sunburn on my neck and arms! :p )
Really FANTASTIC. Well Done So pleased you got there in the end and a shiny new camera to capture the nature shots on....
:thumb: absolutely fine Dan, Looks great and a true craftsman has finished a work of art.

I am in awe of your skill and tenacity with this build.
And finally.

Thank you sooooo much everybody, for your kind, encouraging and generous compliments and support throughout this long project. Without you all, and Zealot overall, I don't think this project would of even got past the head. You have all been a great inspiration and supporting structure throughout. Thank you all very much. :thumb:

The most important person I need to thank is DaiShi. Without his template, this thread never would of happened.
Daishi, KUDOS to you for the beautifully designed and engineered template. The model, and pieces thereof, fit with exacting precision and I had no problems at all, (apart from my own!:eek:ops:) and in my mind, you stand with the Grand Masters of Paper Model Designers. Deep respect to you DaiShi and of course, the BIGGEST THANK YOU to you.:thumb::thumb::thumb:

And I apologise for not getting any photos uploaded as promised, but life has been so busy lately, I haven't had the time to get it all done. (And I think Revell-Fan understands how long these photoshoots take, judging by the severity of his sunburn. You must of been out there a long time, man!!!!)

Anyway, from my point of view I am going to now close this thread and move on to the next project, or complete the few projects that are still unfinished..:eek:ops:

So, ladies and gentlemen (and others... :rolleyes:), once again, thank you, and I will close now with a small batch of photos.







More ...
WOOOOAAAAAAH! That is totally awesome! Thank you for sharing this unique experince with us. It was a pleasure seeing everything come together, being destroyed and come together again. Like a Phoenix from the ashes. Reall great thread and great model. A perfect happy ending. Wow!
Mmmmmmm ...

I just cannot leave things alone, can I ?!?!?

I have been looking at my dragon model on top of my display case.
I'm not happy with it.......:eek:

I am going to change things!!!!!!!
The rock has got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These will give you a hint as to what I am going to do!!!!!!

[YOUTUBE]?v=Npu9z5d5UDU[/YOUTUBE] But without Harry!!!

Watch this space!!!!! :mrgreen:

You have done a FANTASTIC JOB ON IT!!!
If this had not already been made "MODEL OF THE MONTH", I would have done so.

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You like that idea then, R-F ?????? :mrgreen:

I did a quick 3D model design in SketchUp for the tower, based on this building in Romania.


This is the basic tower, so far. I will add more details to it as the build progresses...... The base is 20cm x 20cm and the height is currently 75cm!!!! I may change the scale abit to suit the dragon....

I think it will look great with the dragon hanging off of the top of it ..... :D :D :D


Any ideas and comments from you all will be welcome.

See you soon.

Main structure and size test.

I want the main part of the tower to support the weight of the dragon, so it needs to be strong. I decided to use 10mm foamboard as the substructure.

First I cut the pointed sections of the main roof. I stacked and trimmed the sections to make sure they were all exactly the same. The edges were then cut for the butt angle of each piece...


The structure holds itself up once butted up properly..


Next I made up the base, which actually will depict the top part of the tower walls. A base plate for the pointed sections was cut to size too.


The octagonal base plate for the upper tower was prepared too.


The main supporting substructure is loosely assembled.


I now need to brave dismantling the current dragon model to check for correct scale against the roof. I will pluck up the courage over the next few days and do it. Then I can start finalizing the structure.

See you soon.
