Model Of The Month: Daishi's Frost Dragon by DanBKing

That's a beautiful work of art you're doing, Dan. As I wrote before, this dragon is in my to-do list, but I don't feel comfortable enough to try it... yet!
I see that your "tab job" is not noticeable, which makes it even more worthy! :thumb::thumb::cool:
I'm stunned with your model's quality so far, so please, KEEP US POSTED! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Thanks for the kind words, Rogerio.
I will hopefully be completely finished with the head and neck by tonight or tomorrow! I will post pics when completed.
Hi very nice job you are doing.

This model is also on my to-do list, but I have not had the time yet to start it.
I'm considering building it on a 140% scale (use A3). That should make the small parts a bit easier to make.
Hi very nice job you are doing.

This model is also on my to-do list, but I have not had the time yet to start it.
I'm considering building it on a 140% scale (use A3). That should make the small parts a bit easier to make.

Hi Johan

Thanks for the compliment.

You are going to upscale it ?????? :eek:
Do you realize how BIG it will be ???????
Printed on A4 at normal size, the model stands 70cm high and 50cm wide!! You will need a heck of a lot of room to display it if you make it bigger!!!!!!:mrgreen:
Wow, That's indeed very big.
I hadn't realised your model is already going to be that size.
Just looking at the pictures of the head, I would have thought it was smaller.
The model I have comes in 6 pdo-files, and I hadn't done the math yet on the complete model.

Well, I still have time to think about it, and look for a place to display it at that size ... :confused:
Wow, That's indeed very big.
I hadn't realised your model is already going to be that size.
Just looking at the pictures of the head, I would have thought it was smaller.
The model I have comes in 6 pdo-files, and I hadn't done the math yet on the complete model.

Well, I still have time to think about it, and look for a place to display it at that size ... :confused:

If you look at each .pdo file, they are unfolded in average of 5 A4 sheets each. Including the rock, 30 sheets, 690 parts..........:eek: Each .pdo also gives you the general dimensions of each sub-assembly..... (The .pdf version is also available from Daishis site.
Personally, if you make it up-scale, the reinforcment required to hold the whole thing together and upright, will be a task in itself.....

I am probably gonna over compensate with the internal armature and spray foam, but I dont want this baby to sag on me ......sign1

I built the tricky bits of the head and neck with 120 gsm paper, the 'structural' parts of the model I am going to do with 160 gsm, (with internal reinforcement.)

At the scale you are thinking lots of pizzas and keep the packaging... :mrgreen::mrgreen:

I never realised the model was that big. 70cm high and 50cd wide.... my wife won't like it if I build it and put it up for display in the livingroom...big dragon standing there mocking everyone who comes visit us :)
It's starting to look absolutely fantastic though!!
That water shaping thing is something to remember when I make a deflectordish or something, I'm sure gonna try it.

Oh and hey !!! It was your birthday last weekend, bit late but congratulations man bday2
I hope you had a great weekend and I wish you and yours all the best for the comming year.

Oh and hey !!! It was your birthday last weekend, bit late but congratulations man bday2
I hope you had a great weekend and I wish you and yours all the best for the comming year.


Thank you, Elko. I think by now I have recovered enough from the alcoholic celebrations to continue with the model. sign1

I finished off the head and neck last night, and fitted the teeth.
I just need to do another couple of coats of varnish and I will post some pics when it is dry.


If you look at each .pdo file, they are unfolded in average of 5 A4 sheets each. Including the rock, 30 sheets, 690 parts..........:eek: Each .pdo also gives you the general dimensions of each sub-assembly..... (The .pdf version is also available from Daishis site.
Personally, if you make it up-scale, the reinforcment required to hold the whole thing together and upright, will be a task in itself.....

I am probably gonna over compensate with the internal armature and spray foam, but I dont want this baby to sag on me ......sign1

I built the tricky bits of the head and neck with 120 gsm paper, the 'structural' parts of the model I am going to do with 160 gsm, (with internal reinforcement.)

At the scale you are thinking lots of pizzas and keep the packaging... :mrgreen::mrgreen:

I'm afraid I don't like pizza's that much to be able to collect all the necessary cardbox ....
Let's call him: "Fang" !!

I carefully cut out the teeth, taking note and reference to the contours of the attaching surface inside the mouth. I trimmed each cut edge so that the tooth stood at the correct angle. I glued all the teeth into position with ca glue. I realize the teeth are not the same as the original model, but call it artistic license :cool:, and besides, I think it gives the head are more menacing and vicious look.

While the teeth were drying, I carefully went around the assembly and touched up any areas that needed colour, like mis-coloured join lines and folds where the print had cracked.
Once I was happy with the touch ups and general appearance, I coated the whole assembly with 3 coats of acrylic matt varnish from an aerosol can. The first coat was only a light dust coat, without getting it too wet. The mist coat seals the print and creates a good bond for the next two coats. It is important to let each coat dry well before adding the next coat.
I left this over night to harden, ready for the final touch.

I used gloss acrylic floor wax (Future) to give the inside of the mouth and tongue a wet glisten. Only one coat was used and applied with a brush. I then moved on to the eyes. I used the tip of a tiny paintbrush lightly dipped in the floor wax and let one tiny drop onto the eyeball, being careful not to let any run out of the eye socket. I repeated the drop process about 10 times on each eye, waiting about 20 minutes between drops, until the eye had a smooth glazed finish. The photos don't show it as well as in the real.

And that is it for the head and neck sub-assembly.

I am VERY pleased with it! :eek:ops::mrgreen::cool:

So, here are the photos of the completed model, so far....







I am still working out my plan of attack on the rest of the model. I am beginning to move away from the idea of making parts removable, as including that with making the internal support structure will cause all sorts of headaches. Besides, if I am going to move in the future or whatever, I will just make a transport crate for it. It is less hassle, I think.

Will be back soon with the next installment, when I work out what that will be ....LOL

Yep! As I said, I would never go for A0. A2 would be the limit. Imagine it sitting on the wall of a medieval castle. Think of the impact the models would have on everyone who sees it. However, the thought of being able to RIDE on that thing is somewhat intreaguing... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Well, NO! :mrgreen::thumb::mrgreen:
Your dragon's head looks fantasic. The techniques you use are still way out of my league though, it shows clearly that your no beginner, great work !!

That alien-queen looks sick, I wouldn't want it in my house if they payed me for it though :)
My kids would have nightmares and my wife would probably move out (or I would have to go and take "that thing" with me) :eek:

Get your rocks off, Honey...!

Firstly, thank you all, for the kind words and encouragment. Muchly appreciated! :mrgreen:

I will not be able to get any modelling done this week, until at least Sunday, but I started on the rock last night. I am going to need to start putting the internal frame together and will need the rock for measurement. Also, as the rock will have a wooden base, I want to get the internal support structure of the rock modified to accept the internal frame of the dragon.
Hopefully, the design that I have in my head, (and what I am making up as I go along,) will become clearer to you, (and me!) as the model progresses.:cool:

With not much time on my hands last night, I only managed to get the top of the rock made up. I hope to at least finish it up this weekend. But, you know what they say about plans!!!:rolleyes:

The bits....


You can see the problem with glossy paper, but never mind, it will be sorted with a few coats of matt varnish.


See you soon.

Rock on!


You're doing a fine job:thumb::thumb::cool:, and I'll make sure to use your thread as a guide when I feel comfortable enough to try and assemble it. But, as Master Yoda says, "DO OR DON'T. THERE IS NO TRY".:mrgreen: