Model of meritorious mention: Panzer 38(t) 1939 minidiorama


New Member
Jun 3, 2010
Got this free model on 1:50 scale from here and I understand that its author is Kamino Ana - many thanks. I decided, some time ago, to use paint on all models I will make, so this machine is not an exception. (Well, I have to admit, I cannot work clean and fine enough, as other modelers do, so I can't get the "perfect crime" without paint and other hiding techniques) :mrgreen: Also, various enhancements used...


The base for the tank is made of 2 empty cigarettes boxes, glued (of course, after removing that plastic foil - and also with some papers inside, to gain some weight for them). Then glued some paper on the flanks... and have there some "rivets" made out of little points of white glue.

dry rapidly, half an hour is almost enough - then a silver paint and some scratches and weathering made them look like this:


The upper side was covered with white glue, then I used some coffee grounds for the soil, grey bricks near the house wall... and some hair from an old shaving brush for the bunch grass there.



The rest of the work is well known to our modeling mates, so I took no pictures of those phases. And here it is the final result, after all ideas were on trial, most of them applied.... and this is it.



The front label is a little shorter than I wanted to be, although I measured the base, and also made it on the right length in Photoshop. I can correct this aspect, I am not yet sure if with some paint or with another printed label.




Lot of dirt and weathering out there, huh? tooth1 Well, Fall Weiss was an autumnal campaign...






This is it, thank you for watching it. :)
Great little micro modeling. I never thought of using empty cigarette boxes for a base or for cardstock either. Innovative and good detailing and extras. I always said, that a model by itself, is just a a model or a dust collector, but a model in a diorama setting, tells a tale.The details is what makes a model truly great. Keep up the good work, enjoy and see you around the forum.:thumb:
Congrats on the front page! This dio is certainly exceptional. Well done and really, really challenging. WOW! :)
Thank you very much for your kind words and the front page, my good sirs. It must be the beginner's luck or something, because I am very far from being one of the best modelers here. And I'm not saying it for complaisance, it is the truth.

@Silveroxide: I guess the cigarette boxes is a good trick, you may get this way a base with various sizes. Also various other boxes could be used, I guess, and the boxes' flanks could be painted in various schemes, depending on what the model is. For instance, for a WW1 plane, I would paint it in a scheme that imitates wood, while for ww2 stuff, I'd go for metal painting.
I think there a lot of Artwork on top of that superb model making! :)
Really innovative work! I've built a couple of models with plain paper and painted them, but I always felt a little guilty, because I don't have the computer skills to Photoshop new color schemes. But no more! You've demonstrated that it can be really convincing, especially the issue of weathering. Great Polish poster, too.

Thank you Gerald and Richard.
Richard, I see no reason in this world for you to feel a little guy - this hobby only makes a man better, because one gets better building, imagination etc skills on one hand, and on the other hand, it pushes you to search historical info, technical details and often it forces you to find solutions when trying to build a model. I would feel a little guy only when I would neglect my pets or kids, leaving them starving or when I would spend a huge amount of money for models instead of helping a poor man, in example. Otherwise, I take my hat off for every modeler out there.
I wish more people would consider painting their models. It adds a 3rd dimension and that kind of depth just can be done with printing. Excellent job! :)
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