Maple Valley Logging & Millwork

Sorry guys, in all do respect sounds like a little personal horn tootin to me to go & post yourself on that many threads.

Yeah we wanted you all to see what we were up to. Sounds like us Tennesseans done broke some kind of Internet Proteecall. Won't happen again. I will remove all the offensive posts
Doc Tom:cry:
I'm with Bill....This forum needs all the traffic it can generate....And Bill & the Doc are doing some great work in a "branch" of the hobby that is mostly untouched by mainstream modelers...

Hey Steamhead
I don't think anybody is choosing sides here. I didn't say I was for or against anybody. My concern was why post the same message on so many of other peoples Threads. They have their own "New Thread" for that purpose. I would not nor do I think anyone else should use someone elses Threads for their own announcements. I have had a lot of fun with these guys & they are very talented at what they do. I myself model mostly Saw Milling & Coal Mining. We have a lot in common in these modeling areas. Repeating & posting the same announcement on a lot of Threads does not increase the volume of traffic nor did I question their work. Search out all of our Threads & read. I don't think any harm has been created.
Hey Steamhead thanks for your interest. To be honest I'm not too thrilled about this Forum much anymore. Not to many people around lately & most people view but don't reply. My scaled lumber stock is low right now, plenty of Poplar scraps but not had much time to mill it. I did do a little project a couple of weeks ago building a log truck. Since there is no place for vehicles & this will be for the Mill I'll go ahead & post it.
First pic is a Imex truck, these are usually less than $4. I buy them for the cabs mostly & build my own beds.


Here I took the bed off & I'm going to shorten the bed 2 scale feet


I cut this in 3 places in order to reverse the rear axle so it would be viewable from the rear. I also glued a piece of styrene over all this to strengthen it & be a part of the finish bed

Here I stripped the cab in acetone. These bodies are metal so they work out pretty good.

I made a couple of fuel tanks from scrap sprues. I glued a piece of round stock for the double axle. This will not be scene so not to worried about how it looks from undeneath. I added some mud flaps to the rear & mounted them on some angle stock.I made a rear frame plate from a piece of styrene.

I used some tire combo kits from Herpa.

This is the cab after the paint job.


I couldn't find any round stock scaled enough for the log brakets so I cut the panes from a commercial window & used these. I also bent some small round stock for some filler tubes for the fuel tanks.I glued some bumper posts on the corners of the bumper. I cut some logs from some branches I gathered last fall.


In this pic you can see the tail lights I made from cutting a real thin piece of round stock. I will later fill this with a drop of red paint from a tooth pick.

The chains are costume jewelry from Michael's. I spray painted these lightly with red oxide primer & wiggle it between coats to keep the links from sticking together. I also spray them with a light coat of black & gray to give it the old dirty look.

I weathered the tires with acrylic wash coats of grimy black, gray & brown.




As always your comments & suggestions are welcomed. I hope you enjoyed this little project.
Man...You guys amaze me....!!! I couldn't even begin to THINK about doing that, much less actually do it....:cry:
That's really neat..!! :thumb:

BTW...What did you use to re-glue the frame together..???
Sawdust .. I am in awe of your talent.
Surpurb job on the truck. You have a great talent.
I, for one, really enjoy your posts, and will miss you if you leave.
I am one of the viewers, who does not write much - but - always enjoy seeing what other people are doing.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I would like to encourage everyone to share their talent as well. Just because some of us are veterans at the hobby don't mean we can't learn from others. I enjoy looking & commenting on other talent as well.
Gus although the body of these trucks are metal the frames are plastic. I use Tenax-7R for all my plastic parts. I also added the sheet styrene on top not only for structure but it would also be part of the finished bed. You can't see it in the pics but I also spread a layer of epoxy on the bottom of the frame & let it flow across the frame from front to rear.
ytter man I never thought of that. I do have some coal trucks planned for this type of cab. I got some cabs from Walthers on back order for this project.
Sirfoldalot I'm not leaving I just don't visit this forum as often. I have my emails set up so when some of the usuals post I am emailed so I can keep up with their progress. I have been getting some stuff out of storage & will post some more pics. There are some very talented modelers on here & I'm sure there are as many others that are hid or bashful so come on out & show us what you got.Thanks again everyone!
I like! You do those old short log trucks great justice :thumb:

How's about a pup bunk trailer for it to pull? :mrgreen:

Hey ytter man here is a pic of a truck I really fell for. I ordered a cab like this & was going to attempt a build of it & my wife says " you have that already because I bought you one last year". Then I say I wished ! so I got my trucks out & look what I found not knowing that I did have one close to it. Looks like Athearn beat me to it.
The real thing.

My model from Athearn.
Beautiful work, Sawdust! I take it you "borrowed" the extra set of real dualies from another truck?

When I paint model chain, I hang it up for a few inutes in the breeze from a small fan. It "wiggles" nicely on it's own and I go and do something else.

Again...outstanding work.

As for all the comments lately about lack of participation, my own thoughts only:

Participation is based on projects completed and posted, work-in-progress photos and similar items of interest, plus interesting ideas to discuss in places like General.

Other forums, one in particular, are deader than this one appears, and this one has the better Logging and Mining section.

The key is to have faith. Slumps are common throughout the hobby, and it's tough to come up with new stuff all the time.

Once again - outstanding work! And if anyone finds a model DeLorean anywhere close to N-scale...I'm in the market!
With the quality of the work Sawdust posts up our model builders would be impressed, let alone our train people. The trick will be in unifying our hobbies so that more can see (and appreciate) the work of others. I'm going to put this thread on our Zealot front page.
Hey Mountain Man That's a good idea to let the chain wiggle in the wind, I'll do that the next time. The wheels I use are from Herpa. They have a lot of tire & wheel packages to choose from. I searched some vehicle sites I use & no one has a DeLorean but will keep an eye out for you.
Hey Mountain Man That's a good idea to let the chain wiggle in the wind, I'll do that the next time. The wheels I use are from Herpa. They have a lot of tire & wheel packages to choose from. I searched some vehicle sites I use & no one has a DeLorean but will keep an eye out for you.

Thanks! And again, congratulations on superb modeling work! :thumb:
Thank You !

Thanks Zealot for posting my Maple Valley Logging & Millwork project on the Home page. This project is & will continue to be one of the largest projects I have scratchbuilt. I have much more to share as time allows. We have much talent on this Forum & I have enjoyed it intensely. Thanks to everyone for their comments & those that have viewed. Once again I encourage everyone to share what they know about our great hobby no matter what skill level you are on. We all started from somewhere & none from the top, so don't be shy & continue to offer to the Forum. Thank You.
nice trucks.

the supporting pieces really help establish the validity of the whole scene, and it really helps to have them ready in advance.

I have replaced the ancient an honorable window a/c unit in my RR room that I got used from Dr tom, perhaps 12 years ago, with one my Daughter had in college. my attic RR is now inhabitable in the middle of the day. I have been doing some work up there and am trying to get the aisles cleaned out so that navigation up there is not life threatening .

I'm trying to restore my RR to operating condition, and then perhaps I can get back to work on the Surry-Parker project.

Thanks for sharing, and helping to light up a fire under my **** ***.

Bill Nelson