M4A4 Sherman VC Firefly, Halinski 1:25


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2004
I took a “small” break of five years. But once you start building paper models - you will always build paper models.
I do not return to the assembly of models as quickly as before, but with determination and perseverance.
And the model I chose is the pinnacle of my “construction career”.

American tank M4A4 Sherman VC Firefly
Anyone who wants to read about the tank is invited to click here.

The model from the house of Halinski and those who are familiar with the models of this company know that in planning these are most detailed and accurate models.
In my personal opinion and by viewing other assemblies, this model is very accurate and very complex in its design.
IMHO, this is the most difficult model in armored vehicles, which has been released so far, with 10,000+ parts and excellent planning:
everything is calculated according to the exact scale, even the thickness of armor and turrets. Planning at an exceptional level, with great attention to those who will assemble, and it can be seen in every component ... you will see it yourself later.
I remember in FAMO there were about 7400 parts.

The book is 1 cm thick and contains about 60 pages B4
Of course, everything is detailed on the scale of 1:25, including the engine compartment and the engine, the insides of the hull and the tower, the tracks and the rest.
In my opinion, this model includes several models - the engine is a separate model and a work of art, a turret with all the complexity of building curved surfaces, the body itself with all the details, suspension system (working !!!) and, of course, the tracks consisting of individual links.



In the next pic, I collected most of the tools and materials with which I will work on the model. Of course, will be added cardboard of different thickness.
As for the sizes: due to the complexity of the model and the maintenance of the original ratio of sizes, it is not enough to use only two types of cardboard 0.5 and one millimeter. Thickness of carton required 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5 and 1.7
The same with the wire for all sorts of add-ons. Therefore, in this model, I decided to try a new method and accamulated a lot of solder wire of different diameters.
I hope that it will be easier to work with this wire due to the flexibility, even with large diameters, and ease of painting.

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From my experience with tanks, I know that the part that you get stuck the most is the tracks.
Therefore, I decided to start with them and only after I finish, start publishing the assembly log. In order not to drive you crazy and not to leave you to grow old in front of the screen waiting for updates from me.
I will save in secret the time of cutting, tinting and assembling those tracks and just present the stages of masochism in its implementation ;)
Each track consists of 19 parts and it is proposed to manufacture 200 pieces, so the number of parts required to build all the tracks is about the half of details amount of the model.


First of all we start cutting



And more cutting and more...



In addition, I was in need to prepare 400 connecting roads, and for this I've built a small device that will also serve me in the future for assembling other parts of a link
I used office staples because of their strength and straight end, which could simply be cut to the desired length.



Then paint the edges of all the small parts and start to assemble

At first I did one truck as an assembly check. It turned out well ... Now repeat 199 times :eek:


Mamma mia! I would say an Italian, 10,000 pieces? I think that not all the models that I built together reach that amount.It was very interesting to see.And for a long time.Greetings.
HOLY WOW!!! That's impressive. You are very well organized. :)
Thanks Dagger and Revell-Fan :)
And yes, you need to be well organized in such complex model :)
Very nice job, the track looks GREAT!
I remember the Firefly as being a very detailed model... but never looks at the tracks... even more, complicated than the fold over tracks with embedded connectors I did the last time that only had 4 parts each for 178 Tracks total. I do not envy you this task, after the last tracked vehicle I did I now tend to run in terror of ever doing another!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Thanks Gandolf50. This is the reason i started them first. If you over it, anything else just a peace of cake ;)

Well, do not get used to the fact that I will update the process every day, it is just accumulated images of the whole assembly process.

I started to assemble tracks . Since the number is enormous, the best way to work here as Mr. Ford has bequeathed

The first step is the link shoe. Already here you can see the developer’s concern for the modeller. Instead of giving one full detail for gluing,
frame was developed, and then you glue the casing on it. This is more work, but also more durable.
Do not forget that the entire tank will stand on these tracks.

I looked at my colleague's assembly process in the german forum and also added extra reinforcement in the middle of a rigid structure to be sure that it would not bend under the pressure of the roller.
Sticking one side, second side, reinforcement and closing the top. Repeat 199 times



Then I proceed to the casing of the shoe. After bending all the skins, I glued it to the frame. Repeat 199 times



At the end, I glued the sides and inserted the connecting roads. Repeat 199 times
The shoes are ready!



So, I continued with another part of the link, and these are feathers (teeth), or, to be exact, 400 feathers
A small confession - I did enough to get two track together. If i need more - i will assemble on the go.

Each feather consists of 7 parts, and here I also used the method of Mister Ford.
Helped the device that i built to assemble the part (spied it on German forum).

First are the hinges






Then I started assembling the feather on the device. It fixes the part, and also gives the correct angle and base for gluing the sidewalls and hinges


Here's a little gif for build process.
Repeat 310+ times :)


Feathers ready


And after quickly painting the edges, the result


I have not yet connected the links to tracks and I will do it at the moment when I have to put them on. So I will definitely know how many tracks I need to connect. Also, parts take up less space and are more convenient for storage.
Great and laborious. Am I wrong or the most difficult thing is to avoid getting saturated with so much repetition?
Great and laborious. Am I wrong or the most difficult thing is to avoid getting saturated with so much repetition?
Exactly! At some point you just get apathy to the process and the model, because you do not see real progress and shape in your endless work. Also, you lose some precision in assembling. So I decided, that it will be always the first thing I will do in armor, when I get the most enthusiasm. If I can beat it, the rest is easy. :)
These are some of the best track pieces I've ever seen. :)
Thank you guys! :)

Finally, I got to build something that is not repeated a few hundred times :-D and this is the lower hull


I was so glad and carried away that I built everything in one breath, and completely forgot to take pictures.
So there are only final photos of the hull assembly.
As I expected, design is accurate, and if you also be careful in cutting, assembling and gluing, everything fits perfectly.
Basically this is a sandwich of several skins and a power frame
Even though this is only a part of the hull, everything is firm and steady.




In the back was an interesting moment. Since the inner and outer walls were rounded in a different radius, the sandwich had to be assembled in a certain order, aligned along the opening of the engine compartment. But the drawings were clear and everything was easy .



The walls of the rear openings of the engine room are thick, so there is also a colored strip glued to cover the edges.
By the way, all the dirt you see is the original design and print. The model is printed with wear and dirt and it embellishes it even more!


That's going to be some model.
What sort of weight is the paper?
The hull looks super square and I love the pre printed weathering.
The tub looks fantastic!!. This looks like it will be fine from within and without. ;)
Thanks Papa Mashy and Zathros :)
That's going to be some model.
What sort of weight is the paper?
The hull looks super square and I love the pre printed weathering.

Frankly, I don't know. I assume 220 grams. This is the original book from Halinski.
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Thank You!! :)