Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center News


New Member
May 1, 2018
I recently heard that the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center has been taken over by the town government, which is backed up by a rebranding to make it the Ramapo Challenger Learning Center. https://twitter.com/Ramapo_CC

I have heard a rumor that the "new" CC is not as good at doing some things as it used to be. Some staff may have been converted so there are no more full-time employees, and there was no booth at the nearby North East Astronomy Forum this year, like LHVCC has had in past years. The primary function of the Challenger Center is to be a local destination for local kids for STEM education, and spacecraft models is just a neat tangent to the mission. Obviously the Town of Ramapo are keeping the lights on, judging from Twitter and their new website. This might be worth some further study, because the jleslie site that aggregates so many great card models, on jleslie's own site, is still branded with the original LHVCC identification.

I guess there are several outcomes, starting with continued business as usual. But with new management, there may be a different attitude to the collection of completed models at the facility. That is no big deal for those of us who are in no position to visit the Ramapo Challenger Learning Center, but also it's questionable whether jleslie will continue to brand the website as a part of LHVCC, and come to that, nothing lasts forever. So if you like something, try to keep it alive.
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I truly suggest that people archive everything they find interesting there. Things have a way of disappearing, or all of a sudden having a *Fee attached for the privilege of downloading FREE models. Get'em while you can. I have seen so many models disappear, either from hard drive failures, or reasons unknown. I have had many P.M.'s from members asking if I had a copy of their model due to hard drive failure. In every case, the answer was yes. I don't have everything do, and cannot be a distribution center for models, as permission is needed to give some models out.

Generally, it's in pain in the a$$, but I do do it occasionally, though to be honest, I don't ever see a build thread on these models. I do understand this as this is an intense Hobby that most people don't even know about, less understand the intricacies of their design and distribution. Personally, with my house, cars, motorcycles and tractor I have to fix, I've barely anytime to do anything except get up and go to sleep! :))

Thanks for the "Head's up" "refsmmat^". An important development.
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I recently heard that the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center has been taken over by the town government, which is backed up by a rebranding to make it the Ramapo Challenger Learning Center. https://twitter.com/Ramapo_CC

I have heard a rumor that the "new" CC is not as good at doing some things as it used to be. Some staff may have been converted so there are no more full-time employees, and there was no booth at the nearby North East Astronomy Forum this year, like LHVCC has had in past years. The primary function of the Challenger Center is to be a local destination for local kids for STEM education, and spacecraft models is just a neat tangent to the mission. Obviously the Town of Ramapo are keeping the lights on, judging from Twitter and their new website. This might be worth some further study, because the jleslie site that aggregates so many great card models, on jleslie's own site, is still branded with the original LHVCC identification.

I guess there are several outcomes, starting with continued business as usual. But with new management, there may be a different attitude to the collection of completed models at the facility. That is no big deal for those of us who are in no position to visit the Ramapo Challenger Learning Center, but also it's questionable whether jleslie will continue to brand the website as a part of LHVCC, and come to that, nothing lasts forever. So if you like something, try to keep it alive.

I'm not surprised that most people aren't aware or interested. Most of the time our culture just isn't interest in something that takes time to do or make. I guess it's the sign of things in an era when everything is practically instantaneous.

In the "art world" most people think in terms of painting or drawing on a flat piece of paper / canvas or pottery or things of that nature. Occasionally, some people might get interested in card stock to make cards, but don't think about it as a means to teach basic physics, architecture, 3-D design, etc.

One of my family members has built an Orca or Killer Whale from card stock. When their art teacher was told about this the response was "what's cardstock". Needless to say this Monday the teacher is going to get schooled on cardstock.

Sky Seeker

P.S. - Some people say ignorance is bliss - I say it just gives you blisters!
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I think it is because there are not that many people that think in three dimensions, or four, and paper modeling takes all four to achieve. We visualize and are not satisfied with two dimensions, we mentally see the third dimension and find release in realizing it. We are a people apart. We need to find those other multi dimensional people and help them satisfied and realize their potential. Their reward is the satisfaction of that realization completed by their own two hands.

JLeslie's contribution is a cornerstone of this hobby.
I ouldn't find the cardmodels through the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center (LHVCC) but it appears that J Leslie has moved/copied all to his own site @ http://jleslie48.com/gallery_models_scifi.html. Maybe this would be a good time to contact him and offer hosting here?


I think it is because there are not that many people that think in three dimensions, or four, and paper modeling takes all four to achieve. We visualize and are not satisfied with two dimensions, we mentally see the third dimension and find release in realizing it. We are a people apart. We need to find those other multi dimensional people and help them satisfied and realize their potential. Their reward is the satisfaction of that realization completed by their own two hands.

JLeslie's contribution is a cornerstone of this hobby.
I'll have to check into that. Those models are owned by their perspective owners. Kind of complicated. :)
Nando, you came through again!!! Thank You!! :)