LONG train cam video....

No doubt! Wasn't that almost 20 minutes? Though, when I visited the San Diego Model Railroad Museum, it took one of the HO guys 1hr 45 minutes to go from bottom to top and back down again. That second song sounded remarkably like "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitgerald." Same artist? Can anybody collaborate that?
Gordon Lightfoot sang that, and it did sound like him. The video trip was 17 minutes plus, and (correct me if I'm wrong) I didn't see the same scenery repeated anywhere in the whole movie. The Edmonton club lists it's mainline track as 380 feet plus, and they have quite an impressive website. I'll bet opertaions night is something to remember...

That was a great vid to watch to bad it had no sound.

Blind Bay BC. Canada
CPR9100 said:
That was a great vid to watch to bad it had no sound.
It had sound! Or at least a soundtrack. Are you referring to the lack of choo choo noises?
I guess both I never heard no track sound engine sound it have would have been killer,
sound makes the differance in the engine brings it to life LOL.
I'am about to put sound in a SD40-2 and SD90/43 Mac.

Blind Bay BC. Canada