Logs with years on them


Registered Member
Thanks to Jon my co moderator who made the branding iron for me, I can now put rings on my logs



  • age.jpg
    54 KB · Views: 365
Thanks to Jon my co moderator who made the branding iron for me, I can now put rings on my logs
OK, You just know that the duty smarta** has to go here.........
Does this make Jon....the....... "Lord of the Rings"??:D :D :D
That detail really makes those logs look good. Neat idea!!
Wow it worked! Haven't tried mine yet (only 3/4" dia., vs. Shamus full inch sized "iron"). Fantastic results! Now, is it a branding iron, or a branding aluminum?
the rings look good and i like the answer "eh they just been cut "lol
You are making it hard to tell the difference between real and display for sure
love the rope bridge to
Thanks a lot kind people, now finished the High Lead and Heel Booms. will photo that area a.s.a.p.

why not use real branches for logs?

I noticed that a lot of photos here and on various logging railorad links show people using wood that was weathered and made to look like a log. why not just take a thick straight branch that looks like a log and cut it into appropriate lengths?