Logging East Tennessee on the C&S RR

Doctor G

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
Clarksville, Tennessee
Been enjoying my first digital camera capable of closeup work.
I have been having a lot of fun documenting my HO 1920's-1930's logging outfit set in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee and loosely based on the Little River RR that ran from Townsend Tennessee up into the Great Smoky Mountains.
First set of photographs are the rail facilities of Railcamp where the locomotives are serviced and trains of log cars are made up.
Also seen is the car shops where the C&S RR builds its own flat cars and camp cabins.
The tractor and skidder shops in Railcamp repair the hard working equipment that works in the woods and this is where the steam powered skidders are built and repaired.
There is also a shot of the Railcamp turntable where the lokies are turned before heading off to the woods.
Hope you all like the pictures and this little visit to the hollers of Tennessee.
Doc TOM :wave:


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Getting the locomotives serviced.

Here are some more shots of the facilities at Railcamp on the C&S RR.
The ashpit is an essential part of any facility servicing steam locomotives and the Railcamp facilities are no exception. Unfortunately Bertha one of the local mules loves to sit in the warm ashes. Here we see her owner struggling to get her OUT of the pitwall1before the next locomotive dumps hot ash and cinders all over her, making a bigger mess.
Will send out a few more pictures soon.
Doc Tom:wave:


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The Engine House at Railcamp

Here is the center of all the activities at Railcamp...the Engine House.
This simple wooden structure was built using lumber from the company swamill and was open air given the hot Tennessee summers.
Inside is a brand new Climax from up East. Once they get those cobwebs cleaned off she will be ready to make the C&S some Money hauling logs to the mill.
Doc Tom:wave:


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Sending the Locomotives to the Mountains

After servicing the hard working geared locomotives they are sent to work in the mountains to haul back the timber to the mill.
First stop is the Railcamp Phone Box to receive orders from the dispatcher.
When having an operating session this is the first stop that the train engineers and conductors call in to the dispatcher's office.
Doc Tom


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Keep enjoying that camera, because I'm certainly enjoying the pictures!

Can you tell us more about how you weather your lokies?
Glad you like the photos.
My weathering "process" is basically dry brushing rust,dirt and grease colors followed by a "wash" of dilute india ink in isopropyl alcohol.Then it is dry brushing with white to "pop" the details.
Here is a shot of a Climax taken through the weathering process.
Doc Tom:wave:


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amazing work tom,its good to see some new logging modelers on here.it kinda died off for a while which is why i havent been frequenting the forum but your pics are started to make me feel the MRRing feeling again :thumb: great work.--josh
Very inspiring! Perhaps I will lick this cold that has put me down the past few days, and get back to work on my own layout!
Not only is the photography great, the background paintings help immensely to put everything in context! Do you do your own backgrounds? If so, how about a quick "how to"?
Overall beautiful work!:thumb: keep the pics coming!
Not only is the photography great, the background paintings help immensely to put everything in context! Do you do your own backgrounds? If so, how about a quick "how to"?
Overall beautiful work!:thumb: keep the pics coming!

Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the nice comments. This is a wonderful site for sharing photographs. It is very user friendly as far as uploads. Also a lot of support from fellow model rails.
My brother-in-law David is the resident artist for my family here in Clarksville Tennessee. He did the background paintings directly on the dry wall in the RR room. He used watered down acrylic craft paints on a latex paint base. He used them almost like water colors which is his favorite media. I am eternally grateful to him for how well they turned out!!! I remember he mixed his colors to match the Woodland Scenic ground foam I used to make several thousand trees.
I will take some more shots and get them posted in a few more days.
The encouragement is a good inducement to get going on some more photographs.
Doc Tom:wave:
More Pictures from the C&S RR

Continuing the photographic journey on the C&S RR in the wilds of Eastern Tennessee we spy A Shay hauling a line of empties over First Creek. This is the first water crossing after leaving Railcamp Yard.
The Shay is MDC and the flats are MDC from their original "three-in-one" kits.
Doc Tom:wave:


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More great photos. Any way you could give us an overall photo or diagram of your layout?
Diagram of layout

More great photos. Any way you could give us an overall photo or diagram of your layout?
I cannot realistically make an overhead shot. My original track plan is too big to fit a conventional scanner.
I have never been able to do this and I am a "newbie" when it comes to digital imagery. Any ideas??? Should I take random shots in the RR room??? Inquisitive minds are ready to learn.
Doc Tom:wave:
Doc Tom...It just keeps getting & better...!!! Great photos...Love that shot of the Shay crossing the trestle...The weathering is just fantastic, on the crane and the loco..!! :thumb:
Keep those pictures coming..!! :wave:
More Pictures of the C&S in action

But, perhaps not too big to photograph?......and post. ( hint, hint :mrgreen: )[/quote]

Hmmmm, so thats how you do it. I do have a schematic of the RR that we use for the operating sessions. I will get a picture of that up soon.
In the meantime here are few more "action" shots of this little tothpick hauler in action.
First shot is the logging three truck shay heading from railcamp into the wye at Scouttown crossing.
Second picture is the three trucker moving a box car to the Kittom mill #2 in Scouttown. Seems Chicago needs a load of good Tennessee hardwood for its building boom.
Doc Tom


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Train in Scouttown Tennessee

Here are a few more logging related pictures. The 2 spot shay is pulling the crossing in Scouttown first town/village on the C&S RR. Hound Dog Taylor is showing off his new car bought over in Chattanooga. Unfortunately he is in for a long wait at the RR crossing, those Shays are mighty slow!!!
Doc Tom


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