Layout 101

A Bump Yard?

This is totally off the wall, but it came to me as I was reading the comments about building a working hump yard:

Suppose you place a small length of track inside each side of a small stretch, much like the inner rails seen on bridges, each side attached to a switch mechanism or something similar, and both wired to work together, pushing the extra rails inwards just enough to create friction on the wheels between the inner and outer rails? Would that work to retard them without causing a lot of other problems? Frankly, I have no idea how to build something like that, but I'm sure there are those who could figure out a simple way to do it.

Really, really dumb idea...? :eek:ops:

The hump yard idea has really created some interesting comments. Most suggestions seem to be applicable to an automated hump yard. My idea however is to build a converted 'rider hump' which among other things doesn't always have a retarder system and is usually a bump instead of a hump.

Instead of having cars not running at all or taking off at light speed, I hope to have cars that need to be shoved into a track or those that roll along at a good pace. Any retarding can be provided by a simple brass strip placed between the rails which can be raised or lowered to provide more or less (or no) resistance.

Someone noted in an earlier post the model railroad equipment can stand a greater shock than prototype can, without damage. In that respect science in on our side. Will the whole thing look like tyco gone wild? It's possible, the whole idea started with the frustration at not being able to kick cars in HO scale; but then it's easy to convert to a flat switching yard too.
IIRC, way back when, there was an article in MR (back in the late '70s, early '80s about a fellow who had built a working, computer-controlled hump yard. He had retarders and car sensors controlled by a micro computer (IMSAI 8080, I think.)

Whether or not you choose to go that elaborately, I recall seeing a simple method of slowing cars used in a yard. Thin nylon brush bristles were placed so they could be raised between the rails and brush on the axles of the cars. At the ends of long stub tracks, some were left protruding, so they would always slow the car before it hit the buffers.

Just some food for thought. I'll see if I can find the reference for the working hump article.
Yes, that's pretty much what I'm hoping the brass strip will do too.

Too bad you never get feedback from the 70's magazine ideas about success, pros/cons , etc.
Atlas and Kato trucks probably roll better than anything else on the market, and the Atlas trucks used to be made by Kato, I don't know if they still are. If you don't have an excessive number of cars to convert, putting Atlas or Kato trucks on all of your freight cars would insure that you had similar rolling characteristics on everything. The other thing is if you get one of those tools to ream out the plastic trucks and then go to a standard wheel set whether Intermountain, Kaddee, P2k or whatever. If all of you trucks have the same wheel sets and the side frames have been reamed properly, you should get similar rolling characteristics from everything that would be used in the hump yard. I don't worry about my cabooses (cabeese?) having the same rolling characteristics as the rest of my fleet because they don't get used to pull anything. I just want them to roll well.