Launch when ready!

When I look over my plastic Galactica (I just did this afternoon) it realy isn't up to par to todays models either plastic or paper. I was very young then and was excited alone over the fact to even have that model here in Holland. A relative gave it to me after a trip to Canada.
I allready downloaded the Galactica from Leslie's site and it is nice indeed but could do with a bit of greebling.

Your REALY BIG one, is that gonna be a papermodel ?

Your update on the Viper looks very good, I'm realy anctious to see how the unfold will look like.

I had been looking for BSG models for 18 1/2 years and when I found them they were almost completely sold out. It's good to hear that you had a friendly relative who made you happy.

I remember watching BSG (after "Het fabeltjeskrant") on Dutch televison every Sunday at 7.15 AM in 1983. And every Saturday afternoon there was Buck Rogers. And a few years later, KITT was on the road every Friday on TROS. I even recorded several segments of the shows on tape. Fond childhood memories. :rolleyes: Two of the most prominent expressions of that time were "mischien" (in the subtitles) and "let's get out of here". Unfortunately there was no-one who could translate the dialogue for me! :cool:

The BIG ONE is supposed to be made of paper. I don't want Jan's Sulaco to be lonely. :mrgreen:

Concerning the Viper, I'm designing the thing as a series of modules which should unfold fine. The reason for that is that some elements are supposed to become parts of other Viper models. The base of the Mk. I is going to become the base of the Antique Viper and the Scarlet Viper. So you may expect several recurring pictures and build steps in the assembly instructions.
Those were really cool dioramas, thanks for sharing the links. I especially liked that Starfury/Xwing Viper ship, too cool.

After seeing those I have to go check in with your hanger deck project to see how it's progressing. I have plans for some viper, raptor, raider, battlestar builds after I finish up on my B5 Omega build.

Oh and these new viper designs are just fraking fantastic...

Thanks for sharing,

I have aligned the parts to make the Viper symmetrical (aft view).

Then I cut off a section in front of the intakes to make the aft part of the nose slimmer. Big felgercarb! The mesh broke and was beyond repair! wall1

Furthermore I realized that the plans I used were not symmetrical which led to a step at the bottom. This was an easy fix, but the broken mesh kept me busy for two hours! :curse::curse::curse:

I finally restored the model (thank the Lords I had saved it before), used a new shape for cutting and changed the cutting position. Even then a few faces disappeared but he mesh could be healed within five minutes. Phew! :p

Next will be the wings and the guns.

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Even with the problems that you had, it is still coming together very well.
It looks like the Lords of Kobal were indeed smiling upon you.
Thank you all! :thumb:

Here are some of the first greeblies. I've begun with the rear section. The shape of them is partially preliminary and will be updated on-the-fly. The flat ones serve only for display purposes. They will be redrawn as soon as the texture is applied. Later they will be exported as flat pieces which are laminated to cardboard before they are attached to the surface.

The greeblies on the surfaces between the engines will be made in the same way because they are all flat. I'm thinking of using real wires for the wire greeblies on the tubes behind the intakes and supplying optional paper parts in the final plans. This will give the model more depth and the areas will even look better than they do on the Revellogram model.

Stay tuned! :wave:

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This is realy starting to look fantastic.

If you go on like this your Viper will look tons better then the Revellogram.
As I remember it was an okay model, but with the greeble options you can put on this one it will be far better.

I'm looking forward to see more and am extremely anctious to see the textures placed.
Take your time though, I know the wait will be worth it !!

Cheers and all the best,
Thank you all! :thumb:

Let's say it this way: This build is NOT fun. It's dedication. :mrgreen:

I'm now tackling the clamps around the back of the intakes, followed by the landing gear. I was thinking about making the landing feet retractable but I fear this can't be done because of the inner skeleton which has to be inserted. And I think it wouldn't be stable enough to hold the model in place. Hence I will give you static ones which can be inserted into the fuselage and removed from it, including opening and closing doors to the landing gear compartments.

Stay tuned! :wave:
Let's say it this way: This build is NOT fun. It's dedication. :mrgreen:

The Viper is one of my favorite fighter planes (running side-by-side with the Thunder Fighter). So this will be enjoyable for me, once I start building it.
As for it being dedication. I am definitely and definitively dedicated to this project.
I am really looking forward to it.