"khaaaaan!" The Wrath of Khan - A mini face-off!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Norwich UK
As a fair-weather supporter of Star Trek over the years my interest in all things nacelles started and pretty much ended with the Wrath of Khan.

The Enterprise, whilst beloved by many is not really in my top-ten star ships, but the Reliant would certainly fill one of those spots.

Looking probably more aggressive than Kirk's quirky design - there's just something that drew me to the Miranda-Class vessel which floated my boat.

Anyway, petty differences aside I found this little set awhile back, and was far too small for me to tackle until recently upsized to A3 - still looks tricky, but time to give them a try. Still they do look tricky though!

A few new tools fell my way over the last week, so with these in hand and given the circular nature of the these two ships - I'd thought its time for battle to commence!

*the following pictures are from my phone, so apologies for any lack of detail :bulgeeye:

SHEET ONE - Stands and Instructions

SHEET 2 - Some Spaceships!

New toys!

Right, best I start cutting and gluing!
I like this one.

Does anyone know where one can find a kit or plans or drawings of the only REAL live starship, Moya?

View attachment 209140
I made a new thread for your question.

Construction begins on the bases, bog standard affairs with no internal supports - will sort that out later


First three parts form the Secondary Hull.

Cut and scored.

Next three parts readied.

Secondary Hulls formed, along with the Shuttle Bay, front dish thing and the Bay doors.

Hull print is a bit hit and miss, but not too fussed.

Doo-dads and Torpedo section.

Shuttle bay doors attached by the tabs at the back first, then top, followed by the bottom.

Doors on.

The Shuttle bay attaches to the bottom, but two tabs intersect here!

Cut the hull tabs at the end which helped mount the Bay in first, then lay the other half over.

However much I pushed, pulled and squeezed this bottom plate it was not going to fit...

Judicious scissor action, and a hack or two with the Knife soon sorted that out, ugly but passable. :eek:

She wouldn't pass an inspection!

Torpedo and a bit that sits underneath.

Front sensor ring-thingy added.

All kinds of ugly going on here...

All sorted by adding the array - little by little going round the edge made the whole thing pull into shape.

Neck section next up.

Doo-dad, which the Torpedo section sits onto fitted, and some smaller parts to fit around the sensor.

Well kiddies, that's where we'll leave for this week, tune in again when Kirk's log gets flushed!
Well earlier than I thought on a return back to the Enterprise build, as I had forgotten I'm not at work!

Lower neck portion added and larger neck section attached, also Deltas of the side pennants/stripes stuck onto both port and starboard and one small piece on the underneath centreline - The under of the torpedo section is open, but that doesn't bother me.

Trying out my new compass cutter made easy work of the saucer sections, a worthy addition to my tool arsenal.
As I was keeping the tabs, I cut those free first, then added red to the parts which needed to be cut away - A couple of swirls with the cutter and it was done, so glad to have this bit of kit!

Nice and round!


Parts required for lower section - careful studies of the filming miniature was invaluable in locating parts on this kit, as there are only shadows of the parts locations on the instructions.

Cut and formed.

Lower saucer completed.


Top saucer section next...

Cut the saucer as per the bottom section and formed the rest of the parts, once again reference photos were a great help here.


Part 18, inserted - I missed taking a picture of Part 16 for the bottom saucer which inserts into the middle, the little tabs raising it slightly through the hole.


Slight distraction to the rear of the upper saucer greeblie - I not 100%, but I think this is the rear impulse engines, could be wrong, but I'm sure someone will know what they are.

Tiny and fiddly little construction, but it was not as hard as first thought.


A quick travel to the outer rim next - Part 12 is required here, as Part 2 is for the Reliant.


With the upper saucer complete (sorry separate pic missing!) it was time to add the outer rim. Once again careful study was required here to make sure all was correct - there's an UP & a LEFT & RIGHT - so note the upper row of windows are in the top band, and the little double dots are in the bottom band.


Window band added - was a tad fiddly, as the band lends itself cleverly to slope inwards from the top rim, which is correct.
I added tiny sections at a time with a peg holding the ends together at the rear of the saucer - I went left a bit, then right a bit and so forth, until they reached the back of the saucer with almost pin-point precision - a lovely feeling.
One would suggest dry fitting this and work out the best plan of attack for yourself. This picture reminds me of a Dairylea cheese triangle container, sorry to those of you who don't have the packing in your country.


Top and Bottom saucer sections complete, now to stick them together!

The bottom saucer went into the top half like the preverbally glove! I was utterly gobsmacked! All credit to the designer of this kit.
No fit issue at all, and the triangle tabs were off-set from each other, also giving the correct depth too.
Rear thingy added too

Happy Imperials! if you look closely, they are smiling!


Coming sooner, rather than later... the pylons and nacelles
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Judging from the pic of the saucer section, it looks to be a little larger than 1/2500th scale.
Nice work, and glad to see you having success with the compass cutter.