Jurassic Park gate with T-Rex under construction

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Aug 10, 2013
So, I wanted to buld a Jurassic Park gate with a T-Rex either coming out of an open gate or a T-Rex head popping out of a crushed gate.
Since I didn´t find that model anywhere on the Internet, I decided to take the head part from a full body model that stood on a black plate with the texting "Tyrannosaurus Rex" on a "gold" plate (if you´ve seen that model) and then build a gate from an already finished model or make one myself depending on how big the model was since mine needed to be at least four times bigger than the head.
After looking around I decided that I neede to make my own gate since the only existing papercraft model of the gate I found was too small.

But more on the gate when I get to it!
First, let´s start with cutting out pieces for the head!


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And then on with the build!
I must say that although this seemed easier than my previous builds, I now had to learn to curve paper, while gluing, to make the head shape, so this was actually a challange!


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There were so many small flaps to glue inside the head that the only way to get glue on them, was to first apply glue to another small piece of paper and then stick that piece between the flaps!


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Time for the inside of the mouth. Lots and lots of wierd angles to bend and glue!


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Adding the first bottom stripe and two rows of teeth! Grrr! :)
Also used a red pen on the inside of the top and bottom to make it easier to fit the mouth inside without the edges showing.


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Some more bottom jaw stripes and then the hard part, trying to fit the mouth!
And it was hard!! The shape of the mouth and the head didn´t line up 100% so I really had to force it in place! :)


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It worked!
Looks kind of good right? :)
Notice that I had previously printed the teeth twice and glued them together to get insides!


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Cutting around the teeth really made the T-Rex look more angry and "real" in a way!
I also folded the back part against a flat surface, since it was originally full of curves and flaps to build a full T-Rex.
This is all I need as mine is going up on a wall display with a Jurassic Park gate still to be built!
Might take som time to design the background and whatever needs to be folded and so on, so I´ll see you in a day or so! :)


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To clif52;
Thanks! I will have to get the link again for you of the full model, I had already removed it from my computer but I will find it again, I am almost certain where I got it.
Stay tuned! :)

EDITED: Link found by Revell-Fan, posted just below this! :)
Thank you, Revell-Fan!

To Rogerio Silva;
Thank you! More is coming! :)
Right now I am trying to design a nice background before I build that!
Ok, on with the build!
As said before I am doing my own version of the Jurassic Park gate.
I need it to be open with free space to put stuff (perhaps a T-Rex...).
So I used two official movie stills of the open and closed gate where I merged the two into one picture. On the new version I removed all bushes in the foreground, all vegetation around the fires so you can see them all, plus changed the lighting from day to night/dusk.
The doors were also removed because they will be added on later as papercraft coming out of the picture, as will the gate itself!
I know the doors actually go inwards, but my doors will be pushed open from the inside by...hmmm...guess! ;-)
Finally I removed the cars and made a new track that should be seen under those removed cars.
Next step; put it all together somehow! :)
The design and build is taking its time, see you in a few days!


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Thanks, Revell-Fan! :)

And thank you also for finding the link for that dinosaur, I added the info to the previous post just above yours, to "clif52"!
Next, step, trying to make patterns for my gate.
Basically I just printed parts of my background with added tabs.
Some I made before the printing, some I just drew on with a pen.
I needed both the parts of the gate and the parts on that gate to be constructed. My first ever try at doing my own papercraft pattern! :)


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...and then I folded the small fires and glued them to the gate parts!


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