Junkers Ju 87D-3 by GPM (1:33)

Publisher: GPM
Subject: Junkers Ju 87D-3
Model Number: 213 (2/2004)
Author: Unknown
Year Issued: 2004
Format: A4 booklet
Source: GPM
My Cost: 5.50 USD
Scale: 1:33
Parts: 336 (confirmed)
Construction Style: Connecting strip
Upgrades: AeroGlass canopy and Gomix wheels
Prototype: Aircraft from 9/StG 77 (Stukageschwader 77), 1943-1944

Card models continue to improve by leaps and bounds as designers master ever better CAD and painting software. Looking through a stack of card models, one can discern clear boundaries where designers leveraged skill and technology to evolve the art form to the next level. GPM's most recent Stuka, now over two years old and chronologically close to such a boundary, unquestionably belongs to the latest generation of superbly engineered and painted kits.

When compared to other models, GPM's Stuka immediately stands out because of the beautifully rendered and weathered winter whitewash camouflage. The light blue underside of the plane receives equal treatment with drop shadows highlighting panels and subtle weathering adding character.

The joy continues once construction begins. Every major component fits perfectly. In fact, the wings and fuselage join so well that the designer left out wing fairings. The wheel boots look excellent, a trait unique to this Stuka card model.

I only encountered 5 issues during construction, 3 of which relate to the AeroGlass canopy I used. First, when assembling the aft machine gun, I could not fit the gun to the ammo belts, themselves fitted to the ammo cans. Second, a gap developed under the rear most portion of the canopy. Third, the entire canopy fit poorly and I ultimately discarded most of it. Despite these issues, the completed canopy still looks good. A more accurately shaped canopy would eliminate these problems.

The fourth issue involves the bomb cradle. For some reason the designer includes schematics for the cradle arms, but not the arms themselves. You must form these two parts out of card, plastic, wire, or some other media. On my model I used card and painted them black.

Finally, In order to sell this model in Germany, the designer left off the swastikas that should appear on the tail. You need to make your own. As you can see from my model, I have yet to find acceptable substitutes.

One more note: when fitting the wheels inside the wheel boots, I rolled four narrow cylinders as axels. Though not strictly necessary, this added strength to the wheels and boots.

I highly recommend this model to everyone with moderate skill or better. Though excellently painted, it lacks the complication of many recent models. Hopefully GPM uses this model as the basis for a G-1 or G-2 variant.

Parts Breakdown
Cover: General information
Page 1: Construction diagrams (paper)
Page 2: 44 (card; fuselage, spinner)
Page 3: 56 (card; wing, tail, boot)
Page 4: 56 (card; wing, tail, boot)
Page 5: 114 (card; cockpit, prop, bomb) + 1 (wire)
Page 6: 56 (paper for cardboard; formers) + 3 (wire) + 6 (film)
Cover: Construction diagrams
Total Parts: 336

See this thread for tail insignia for this aircraft: http://www.cardmodels.net/forum/showthread.php?p=45919#post45919

You can find more pictures of this model at http://www.damraska.com/card_review.lasso?id=8SH17JA49SCF.


  • stuka_03.jpg
    69.3 KB · Views: 643
Looks great! The germans must not have washed their planes too often in wwII :D What is used to connect the aelerons and such to the wings? hard to tell but it doesnt look like card Thin wire perhaps to allow adjusting as desired? Could be card though just cant tell.
Thanks for sharing!
They also use a waterbased whitewash over top of the camo during the winter............. hence the "dirty" look...........

Great job on the Stuka............. I did Marek's from DeWayne and the subject is very hard to do in paper...........you have done it very well!:grin:
I looked at the additional pics and it is indeed paper conections - nicely done!
cgutzmer said:
Looks great! The germans must not have washed their planes too often in wwII :D What is used to connect the aelerons and such to the wings? hard to tell but it doesnt look like card Thin wire perhaps to allow adjusting as desired? Could be card though just cant tell.
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you.

In winter, the Germans applied a water based whitewash paint to vehicles over existing camoflage. They generally did not have enough to go around, and what did make it onto vehicles quickly wore off.

Small, diamond shaped pieces of cardstock connect the ailerons and flaps to the wings, 8 per side.

just a suggestion,how about using the swastikas from the winter camouflage version of Ripperworks Avia B534?
The easy fix for getting around the swastika issue would have been to provide a weblink to an addendum page to be printed if needed.
Unfortunately,I cannot give a link as Ripperworks no longer offer these Avia's as free downloads anymore,I assumed as damraska had built an Avia B-534,he may already have the files he needs? I do have the winter version,although it is rather a large file - approx 9.9mb!
sdr mike said:
just a suggestion,how about using the swastikas from the winter camouflage version of Ripperworks Avia B534?

Hi Mike,

That is a good idea and I did think of it. However, they are broken in half on the Avia decal sheet I have, and I do not know if they are the correct size and shape for the GPM Stuka.

You got me thinking, and I did find a color profile on the web for the plane. I can blow it up to 1:33 scale, trace the missing markings in a vector drawing program, put them in a .pdf, and and post it in the Parts Bin. I will try and do that today.

I'd would like to thank everyone who commented on this review.

If you think my review left out something important, or it needs work, please let me know here or by personal email. I can take it (and amend it, for that matter).

I would also appreciate your help making this review better. If you know who designed and colored this model (the author), please post that information here. I cannot and puzzle it out from the model. Also, if you have 15 minutes and feel like counting parts, please post a page by page part breakdown for the model. For example:

Page 1: 44 (card; fuselage, tail, canopy, spinner)
Page 2: 25 (card; wings)
Page 3: 38 (cardboard; formers) + 4 (wire)
And so on.


Good luck with your endeavor,I hope you are successful.I'm sure there are plenty who will really appreciate these markings in the parts bin.I will, for one!!!
damraska said:
Also, if you have 15 minutes and feel like counting parts, please post a page by page part breakdown for the model.

As it turns out, I ordered another copy of this model from Lighthouse (for repainting) and it showed up today so...I added the parts breakdown to my review. I still have no idea who designed the thing.

And...and...I've created the tail insignia. After I print and test them, I will upload the .pdf. I also included two 1:33 scale air recognition flags.
