James Bond's Aston Martin DB5

Today was a very sad day. My friend suddenly passed away, one week after his 65th BD. It is hard to lose someone you have known that close for over 15 years. He was more than a tenant, he was a friend. Despite his physical restrictions he had never lost faith. I always saw him as "our" Stephen Hawking. He will always be remembered for his kindness and support. He cherished the model a lot and said it was one of the finests gifts he had ever received. One of his last wishes was to change his WhatsApp profile picture. His plan was use the picture I made for him which showed him as the next James Bond to let everyone knew who they were dealing with. That was a prime example of his unique sense of (black) humour. Unfortunately he left us before that could be done. Farewell my friend. You will be sorely missed.
Sorry to hear that your friend passed. My condolences. Remember the good times you had together and don't be afraid to laugh and cry in rememberance. It's awesome to have the opportunity to know those who touch our lives so deeply. And remember we are here for you when you need us!
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My deepest sympathies, the loss of a friend, like a loved one can be devastating. I had a close friend killed while working on a highway maintenance crew, one day we were talking about doing something the next weekend, then n BAM... he's gone. it hurts, still to this day thinking about him.

Remember the good times, honor his memory by forgetting the bad.
We never had a bad time together. There was not one single moment where we had an argument or a dispute which is pretty remarkable. Everything was based on deep respect for each other. He was the youngest tenant we ever had. Because of that and his unique humour he was given the nickname "The old man". Boy, we had some fun times together! :D The bad thing is that we all had no chance to say farewell to him properly because it happened so quickly. :/ This should be a reminder to all of us: Use your time wisely and cherish your family and friends. :)