Is this the most far-out train you have ever seen ???


Jan 10, 2003
Sydney, Australia
MicroAce have just released a model of the Nankai Railway (around Osaka, Japan) 50000 series 'Rapi:t' train. Yes folks, that IS a colon in the name, but it is pronounced 'Rapito'. It is one of the choices available to take you to osaka if you fly in to Kansai Airport, the floating (but sinking) airport recently built in the middle of the bay .


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engineshop said:
The biggest problem with fast train is the amount of air they push in front of them. If you got two high-speed trains in the opposite direction meeting in a tunnel, you need a special design of the cab to guaranty a nice airflow or it will blew all the windows.


Yes - that's why Japan's Bullet trains look like this (the E4 - just 1 of the 12 or so different types currently running).


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Humm. This E4 have an "family likeness" to the Talgo 350. I suppose that all these high-speed trains born out of a wind-tunnel will end looking alike.

This is the spanish «duck»:


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Topo said:
This is the spanish «duck»:
Spanish duck? All hail El Quacko!

Seriously, these things may well be a marvel of modern computer aided design and wind-tunnel engineering, but they're also ugly enough to peel paint. I wouldn't be surprised to see an increase in passenger injuries, from people passing out on the platform at the sight of them.

And I thought P42s were funny looking. I guess whatever the new thing is will always seem funny looking. *shrug*

The important question is, can you get a good cup of coffee on board?
engineshop said:
Maybe the locomotives look ugly for US eyes but I believe the inside which is the most important part for travellers should please everybody. Check out this website of the ICE highspeed train.
Greetings from the other side of the Big Orange Bridge!

Those duck-bill locos are going to take some getting used to all right, but wow, that interior is something else! Even the second-class car is travelling in style. Thanks for the link.
All these hi-speed trains are trying to be an alternative to the flights in medium distances and, curiously enough, they look a lot (externally and internally) to the planes that they intend to replace.

The engineer in these trains must feel like sitting in a F18 cockpit! :eek: Watch out with the ordnance... er, the passengers, I mean!! :rolleyes: