Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle TYDIRIUM

Nice job so far. I have also started to build this one, but never finished. I am just few steps ahead of you with the landing gear compartments complete. I will definitely watch your build carefully and I will build this beauty for sure.

This shuttle is one of my most favorite designs from star wars. Maybe the third one to be honest, with x-wing being the first and moldy crow the second favorite
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Nice and simple so far - I've only just started to look at the instructions - will be interesting to see if it will sit on the landing gear and balance or possibly some weight distribution might be needed.

Will you be putting glazing in the canopy?

I may build a big version for one of my friends
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This is an awesome model to build, built mine about a year or so ago. I have started one in polystyrene now. There is a few screw ups that I did on the paper one that I'm going to do better with the styrene one. You'll enjoy this model, it's very fun and a good challenge.
Your shuttle looks good, I think the AT-AT might need a slight dusting though ;)
  • Haha
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Nice and simple so far - I've only just started to look at the instructions - will be interesting to see if it will sit on the landing gear and balance or possibly some weight distribution might be needed.

Will you be putting glazing in the canopy?

I may build a big version for one of my friends
Yes I will instal windows. And thanks for pointing on the landing gear I will take a close look when I build it. First I build all the frames thats the easy part.
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This evening I cut the parts for the top wing frame. First I glued the template parts on 1 mm cardboard. This time I used a heavy duty hobby knife to cut the parts.

This is the part that Im going to build.
And the parts are cut. No blade killed tonight.
All parts assembled. I didn't glue them yet maybe I need to adjust it.
Time flys when you have so I have an update on the last frame. Its the frame for the cockpit. Below the assembly instruction.
Parts cut.
Steps to assemble the framework.
I used claps to holp the parts.
The last part I didn't glue yet. Im not sure how the need to be glued. I will check when I glue the surface.
So all frames are done.
Frames are looking nice, but I'm finding it hard to get a scale here...

Could I politely ask for something relatable next to your parts please.

Such as a pencil, coke can or a bacon sandwich, or maybe the Zealot scale cube?

So we can get a sense of the scale of this build?