I was ill, but now am much better


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
I had asked Rhaven not to post this, because I was not sure I would be able to return to the forum. I had some minor Brain surgery, that was causing me intractable pain for the last 7 years. It looks like the surgery has been a success. I spent 9 days in the hospital, after a Brochial Asthma attack, and am still having trouble breathing, but I am doing fine. I feared posting this as some people like to attack others when they are down. That does not happen here at ZEALOT though, so I share my joy with you. I have not felt this good in 7 years. Thank You!! Too those who knew and respected my privacy. To those to whom I said nothing, it was only my inability to deal with anything on any level involving more than a couple of people, not a reflection for the deep respect and care I have for the members of this wonderful forum that I held back. You know who you are, and that I will struggle to maintain and give back the friendship and caring that was extended to me. I can play Violin again! :violin1:

John (zathros)
I am glad that you are doing better now and that the surgery was a success.
I am also very glad that you are able to return here and continue to be an active participant of this forum. This place would not be the same without you.

As for the violin, I am glad that you are able to still play it.
Here is something that might lift your spirits:
This is my favorite song from Charlie Daniels Band

Take care of yourself and take it easy.

The only reason I could attack you for would be for not telling us! :rolleyes: :mrgreen: But I'm very happy and relieved that you're all right, that the surgery was a success, and better than that, that you're feeling good now!
Besides, you were out for such a short time, that the brightness of your constant presence endured long enough during your absence for you to be back.
It's great to know you're back on your feet... Better, faster, stronger (insert "Six Million Dollar Man" theme here). :mrgreen:

All the best,

That is fantastic news, John.
I am very glad that all went well with the operation.
I am sure, to have your abilities return in a painless manner, must be a joyous experience.
Take things steady and give yourself time to recover.
We are all wishing you a speedy recovery!!

That's really incredible news, John! I had no idea there was anything they could do for your problem, especially with such great results. No worries on not saying anything to most of us, I'm sure facing the procedure had to be somewhat frightening. I hope this means you can return to all those things you enjoy that the pain denied you for so long. Continued Best Wishes,

Scott K.
Sorry to hear of your troubles and great to hear you got some relief. Praying for your recovery, brother, but take it easy on the Bondo sniffing when you get back to the auto projects!

Take care and heal quickly.
I would like to add my extreme delight at that you are actually feeling so much better than you have in 7 years. WOW. WOW. That is really fantastic. In the same way that Rhaven posted the Charlie Daniels video ( thank you for that btw Rhaven. seriously cool) I hope no one minds that I post a video, paying homage to some very incredible violin ( and others).
Although this is in a different vein, I think you'll still enjoy it.
I love it when rock bands or artists incorporate a small contingent of strings or an entire orchestra.. either way, it's etheral and incredible.
Enjoy Zathros and all.
If you love David's work post Pink Floyd and havent watched and listened to this DVD...for the love of sweet Moses, DO.
I got it for Christmas a couple years ago, and it was one of the times i was actually speecheless...Dieanna actually saw my eyes all "sweaty" and said WOW...love the concert much? haha

Sounds stupid but we all know there is some music and performances that just do that to you.
Glad to hear that your doing better Z, it seams like just yesterday that you welcomed me to this group and It wouldn't be the same without you..
But could you play violin before?

Seriously, Welcome back and am happy to hear your doing much better. Will pray for a speedy, painless, and complete recovery. Keep those spirits up.

Be Well, Eric
Z, I'm relieved to know that everything went well. This is my firts post in a couple of days now; I have got the flu which has knocked me out completely and which has drained nearly all my energy. So, from one ill fellow to another, I wish you the best of luck. Get better and CU back in the forums soon! BIG THUMBSUP! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
W00t! Yay! Welcome back John, and I wish you lots of strength for your recovery. Even though I am mostly silent these days, doesn't mean I don't peek in and miss people when they go MIA :p

Welcome Back!!! I hope that you regain all the skills and pastimes that the problem interfered with. I'll include you in my prayers. Thank God it seems all went well.
