I wanna try the LM...


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2004
Republic of San Marino
OK you can say I'm crazy (and perhaps you are right...) but I cannot resist.

I've never tried any of the @uhu02 mythical works and was thinking to a subject to start with.
But - who am I kidding? - since the first day I've seen that incredible LM I knew perfectly I couldn't escape: I MUST TRY IT!

OK it's not the easiest model to build... but, you know, if I don't hit my head on it I don't understand...

I have a little shame (no... a BIG shame) watching to the works by @mk310149 ... so I was not sure if it is worth posting my building here - aside his LM - but I decided I want to share all with you so...

I don't know what will be, but, whatever happens, you'll see it in real time... (LONG time I suppose...)

OK let's start with the printer... well... this was easy :D

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You should never be ashamed of posting your work on this forum.
Granted, we have many ADVANCED and SPECTACULAR builders here. These people are not here to prove their superiority in building models. They are here to share their skills, talents, tips and techniques, and are always willing to help those who are new to this hobby.
So posting a build thread is a GREAT idea for anyone (regardless of their skills). Not only that, but if you run into trouble with a particular model, there will be someone to help you through that trouble spot.
I wish you the best of luck with it!!!
I will be watching this thread.
After seeing your work, I don't think you will have any difficulty making this model. (other than the normal ones everyone has making any model ). I look forward to your build!! :)
I see building in doubled dimension could be a good walk-around to certain building challenges... but:

1) I don't have an A3 color printer
2) my wife gave me an "aut-aut" regarding amount of space granted to my models (so my cm2 are almost finished)
3) I'm crazy
4) I've a lot of spare scalpel blades...

So: let's go with A4 sheets...

Thanks for your wishes.... more to come soon! :D

BTW... what is a "biltong maker..." ???
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Well, to start, biltong is a South African speciality, basically strips of dried meat, seasoned to taste ;)
It's like what the Americans call jerky, just cut thinner.

The biltong maker itself is just a closeable box with some racks to hang the meat & a way to dry the meat installed, lights or fans, etc. I'm using a 12cm PC chassis fan.

The major problem one faces is mould growth while the meat dries, but, I'm a microbiologist, so I know steps to reduce contamination. ;)

I'll post a pic once's done.

Can't wait to see the Lander come together!
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Well... the start was not very lucky. I used white glue to laminate the 3 layers strucutre (as indicated on the sheet itself) but, perhaps used too much glue. So, even if I let it dry inside a big dictionary all night long, my first LM piece came out badly distorted.


The good part of card modeling is that you have a second chance all the times: just print again and retry. This time I want to use my preferred glue, a solvent based one (UHU) and, instead of 3 sheets together, I'll laminate 2 sheets only (a clean piece of cardboard under one of the printed halves) and will cut separately the third layer. I prefer to cut twice and then align the parts while glueing instead of folding the page before cutting (using the little red references), because I'm sure that one of the sides (the one faced down while you cut) will probably result screwed up due to misalignment.

Up: the second try, much better. Under: on the left the laminated piece, on the right the single sheet.

Moreover, two layers are easier to cut than three

The four halves already edge-colored (with grey felt-tip pen)

After another thin UHU layer the first nucleus of my LM is ready...
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Even in these primary stages the model looks amazing!
I want to build an UHU02 someday.
I'm glad you decided to share this with us, because I use a tacky glue and never tried a solvent based adhesive. I run into the same problems with paper warping and thought only applying less glue was a solution, but then dries too quickly.
I'm also going to start coloring in my edges, too.
You have good craftsmanship and the cuts are very clean!
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Beautiful craftsmanship/ Cutting the part out is 3/4's of the battle in my mind. :)
Great start, Tonino! I'll be following this build. As for the warped part, maybe you have used too much glue?
Thanks to all! Your appreciation is the best reward I can ask for.

Yes @Revell-Fan I surely put too much glue on it. Just another experience to add...

Detailing rear wall. I enjoy a lot building all those tiny pieces...
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A photo with my own finger, just like @uhu02 :D

And one with the labels, good for a NASA reference book...
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Thanks to all! But I'm afraid this is only the simple part...
Well, let's proceed. Here's a little update.

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The side walls of the rear compartment.... Cutting work in progress.... Side bulkheads in place

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A test fit without glue of the rear wall..... Assembling the upper hatch

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Ascent engine mounting frames..... To keep in place tiny parts you have to invent a lot of tricks

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A view of the open hatch from inside and from outside.
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Tonino, you are "kicking butt' on this! Fantastic, clean cut and fit. Wonderful to watch come together. :)
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Thanks zathros :)

A little update.
Now starts my favourite part of the work: detailing the interior.
There are a lot of tiny parts to build with my big fingers...

The first challenges are the ECS (environmental control system) and the water control module. Here are all the parts ready to be folded and joined.

I added - under the knobs - two 2mm. little discs to raise them a little and appear more "tridimensional"

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The ECS finished. In the middle photo the water control module, a very strange shape for a very little piece...

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The left hand mid section stowage, before and after some precision work...

Observing those photo I realize that my printer should have a slightly lower resolution than uhu02's one. His parts seems to have a very better looking than mine.
The difference perhaps is so evident only at a very close look. I hope the general appearance will not be affected too much by this "technical issue".