I have cancer.

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,
I am home now (So everyone needs to start behaving properly now! :bulgeeye::hammerhead::sticktongue:). I am OK now. I still have staples in my abdomen (as well as an abdominal drainage tube. Which should be removed on Wednesday.) . I am sorry that I did not post anything while I was in the hospital, but I was (and still am) in a great deal of pain. It does hurt more when I yawn, hiccup, belch, or cough.
I will be posting comments for the first week or so. Later, I will attempt go back to building. I still need to finish the Gundam (As well as the stand to go with it) and the Leman Russ Tank.

Thank you one and all for all of the kind and uplifting words of encouragement, and support.
What a happy day! :)

Great to have you back, pal! You did the right thing. Kick everything out that does not pay the rent! :D ;)

Don't worry about the pain, it will go away. Sooo, at least we know that it doesn't hurt when you laugh, which is always a good thing! (Now folks, let's fill this place with jokes so that Chris will get better even sooner - humour is the best medicine! ;) ) :D ;)

Anyway, I'm really glad that everything went well. Regula 1 is proceeding as planned, the edits are done very easily. After her I will get back to "the other" projects. ;)

Relax, follow the Doctor's orders and get better soon! :)

Now that's a great post to see RB, my wife might of had to go without food and drink as I was too busy checking in on you to get her any but it was worth it :) Glad it's all sorted and your on the mend look forward to more updates Take it easy my friend
Many people have asked me why I familiarise with and interested in Ravens. Here is one of the reasons why.
This passage fits me perfectly! Not only that, but I have always done my very best to live my life by this passage (especially when people come to me for help).

(...) This passage fits me perfectly! Not only that, but I have always done my very best to live my life by this passage (especially when people come to me for help).

Welcome back my friend! I like very much this life-program. I wish you to accomplish it every day.
I'm very happy to see you online again and so positively charged! Great day!

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