I finally succumbed to the On30 thingy


Jan 18, 2002
Scotland UK
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I started scratching an On30 loco body for the MDC box-cab chassis.
The only commercial parts are the nut/bolt/washer detail, an MDC spark arrestor and a couple of offcuts of scribed siding.
It needs a bell, sandbox/dome, lights, stirrups, grab irons, weathering and lotsa junk that goes with such a loco.

Considering the type of chassis on the boxcab i'm surprised how easy it was to get the new superstructure to fit onto it. It's made of balsa with scribed planking glued onto it. The cab is thick styrene sheet and the coal will be calcium chips painted with neat india-ink.
Here's three pictures of it as far as I've got in 3 days.



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3rd Picture

The boiler is made from Kitchen foil card core.
The stack is brass tubing.
The steam dome is balsa dowel (it doesn't fit exactly but it's close enough for me :p :D )
The cab roof is scribed siding.



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WOW Errol, thats a terrific looking Class A climax, love the woodwork on it. Okay friend, whats next. :thumb: :wave:


Not sure I should call this progress! :(
Having rustled up more "junk" to use on this yard goat I stuck the pieces on.
The sand box is a balsa block.
The pop valves and whistle are diodes.
The compressor is a carved balsa dowel.
The air receiver is a capacitor with bands stuck on the ends.
The lights are left overs from MDC kits with white LED's (not wired yet).
All my "junk" lacks the detail of commercial parts and therefore looks toyish.



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The final straw!

Someday I might just get the knack of weathering models. I'm not happy with this result.
Another thing which depresses me with this yard goat is it looks too much like a British prototype typical of what is used in quarries. Too low, too wide and too high a coal bunker to be imagined as a N American lash-up. Not at all what I had envisioned. :cry: :cry:

Well, every cloud has a silver lining, I learned a lot hashing this model so in some respects it served a purpose, not the purpose I wanted though :D :D

I doubt I will do anything further to this goat, it will probably finish up in a storage box. Maybe my next On30 chuffer will turn out much better.



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:wave: Kettlestack, I think it looks great. Maybe use some black chalk to tone down the existing wheathering and a little rust dust also. The one thing about chalk is you can wash it off and redo till you get it the way you want. Add some chain or rope to it to make it look like it is being used. Letter that sucker and put it on the line. Putting it in a box does no one any good! I would love to have such a critter. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: ;)
Well, every cloud has a silver lining, I learned a lot hashing this model so in some respects it served a purpose, not the purpose I wanted though

You're doing very well my friend, that's one neat little critter. Don't be too hard on yourself, here's a sample of my trip up the learning curve. My start was shaky at best.


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You guys are good to me

Thanks for the compliments my friends but I truthfully am not happy with the goat. Maybe I will add more junk and weathering as you have suggested Jim.

Pete, see how that model of yours turned out? It's my idea of perfect L x W x H ratios, just as narrowgauge should be! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
With all those struss rods and cupolla braces and end rails etc, it's a dream to behold both in real and model form. I always did admire your work (so why have you not posted more pics? :D )

Well time will tell whether the goat will get commissioned or stuck in a box :confused:

Once again, thank you all.

Errol,that is the ugliest locomotive I've ever seen.But I am a kind and generous soul and if you will ship it Grand Rapids Mich. USA I promise to keep it sheltered from all the nasty remarks that will be heard about it.

By the way,if by chance you believe any of this I have a swamp and a covered bridge in Arizona I would be willing to give you a great deal on. :D :D

Now for the serious stuff.May I suggest you put the little lady aside for say a week or two then take her back out and see if you can come up with some ideas to make her more pleasing to you?By the way I do like her.
so why have you not posted more pics?

:eek:ops: :eek:ops: Because I bit off more than I could chew! :D :D :D

I'll post some pics when "noticible" progress is made on the Ntrak module.
The "module" consists of: a drydock, a Navy ship (in the drydock), a fishing vessle under construction, drydock cranes, building way crane, bascule bridge, rolling lift bridge, station w/ platforms, shipyard structures, and hopefully an Nn3 2-4-4-2. Oh, yeah, I forgot, and all the scenery too!
Everything is getting a little attention, so there's no really noticible change............... yet
Contrary to Catt I say that's a charming little critter! (This way I have better chances that you'd give it to me instead letting Catt hide it somewhere! ;) :p)

Errol, I can't see anything wrong with the proportions. I guess that all the little contraptions that were built as logging lokeys had about any conceivable proportion you could think of. And frankly, to use diodes and capacitors instead of brass castings for details is ingenious!

The weathering... um... It looks like a big flock of gulls decided to hold its annual flight maneuvers very low over that little steamer! :eek: :eek: :mad: :eek:ops: :rolleyes:
Now what would you do in real life? Wash her down of course. To modify her paint coat a bit is all what she probably needs. First I'd try to tone down the bright splotches with a wash of sooty black - most probably she'll please you more afterwards. (And if everything fails you still can give her a completely new paint job!)

But apart from that you created a little lokey with personality. By all means be proud of it! :thumb:

I think I'll keep it ....

Thanks for the encouragement guys but on 5th June I bought a couple of O gauge figures and a length of Peco On30 track and the beastie looks more appropriate now :confused:

Catt, of course it's ugly :) , so is a moose and a boxer dog, sort of "loveable ugly" :D :D

Ron, you're right!, so I shot the dumpster ducks, hosed the beastie down and now its a nice engine black ........ now, where did I stash my weathering paints :)
Because of the figures and the proper track, I can relate better to this On30 thingy so, methinks it won't relocate to the west side of the "pond" ... sorreeeeee guys :D :D

Last weekend there was a RR fair in our town and I thought I'd post a pic of the one and only On30 layout on display there. It had beautifully handlaid track including a three-way switch! :eek: :eek: .
It's based on a Welsh quarry narrowgauge line. The locos were kit built.



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