I am going in for surgery.

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
On Monday morning, November 4th, I will be going in for surgery. I will be having my tonsils removed. Which means, I will be out of commission for about a week (possibly two). So, during that time, if you have any questions, please direct them to either @zathros or @Revell-Fan. They will be able to assist you as needed.
Thank you for the note. I hope that all goes well and wish you a full and speedy recovery, my friend! :)
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I still have mine and don't relish the idea of EVER losing them... The same goes for my appendix!!
Get well soon! ...on a side note: around here we have tons of HOT green Chile...tends to burn them suckers out!!
Thank you one and all for the warm well wishes! I greatly appreciate it!!!

Hope it all goes well mate, hopefully they still recommend ice cream. Yum.:)

Actually, Popsicle are the recommended thing now. The milk from the ice cream creates phlegm that could cause chocking and other complications).

I still have mine and don't relish the idea of EVER losing them... The same goes for my appendix!!
Get well soon! ...on a side note: around here we have tons of HOT green Chile...tends to burn them suckers out!!

When I had my cancer surgery, they took my spleen and my gallbladder. I still have my appendix (thus far).
As for the green chili, I love hot spicy foods (so long as the heat does not kill off the flavour of the food).
Good Luck! Should be a simple operation. Had mine out at eight years old. Didn't need to, but the doctor told my mom that it would be easier when I am young than when I become an adult. Don't know if that were true or just his opion. My two cousins and I were suppose to have ours taken out together, but they didn't show up. So there I was in a room with three beds alone for over night stay. My door was open and I seen a nurse go past. I swear the needle she had went from her finger tip to half way down her arm, but it probably only went two inches past her wrist. If she would have come in my room I would have bailed. They would have been looking for me. As it was they gave me two shots. First shot was in my left arm, but the second was in my posterior, derriere, or bottom. Proud to say it took five nurses to give it to me. Four to hold me and one to do the deed. Took me down to surgery and put the gas mask on, then counted backwards from ten. Only got to five, then woke up next morning with sore throat and two drops of blood on the pillow. Never got the ice cream they promised, and couldn't eat chips cause of the salt. Hope everything goes well, and you don't have to suffer with a sore throat too long.
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Good luck from me too.
Mine are out as well, same explanation as blake7's for the reasons why. Me and my sister had them removed at about the same age together at the same day. Nothing complicated.
So be well soon.
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I'm still "complete". My old doctor said the tonsils were the first station of the body to fight germs which were absorbed with the food. In his opinion they should be kept as long as possible. Well, so far they don't cause any problems so they are still where they are supposed to be. Fact is, the tonsils support the self cleaning process of the body. They accumulate and spill out waste product like dead white blood cells and epithelials. This is called detritus or tonsillolith. It looks like white clumps. When it is ejected the tonsils look like they were inflamed but that's not the case.
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Don't be brave, take the pain meds, you won't get the stuff that really works when your out of the hospital. My son had his out at 17, and it was quite painful for him, two visits to the emergency before they finally loaded him up with DDilaudid for the pain. My son has a high tolerance for pain, but the closer to the Brain, the more intense the pain! I'm sure everything went fine, so rest and relax. :)
I'm very relieved to know that the surgery was a success. Just take your time, have some sleep and enjoy your popsicles! :)
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I am in the "Still has all the original equipment" brigade... tonsils and appendix are still working as designed... Glad to here you had a relatively easy surgery. Get well soon :cool:
So, it has been a week now, since my surgery. I am doing well. My throat is still sore. However, I am now able to eat normal food without trouble (like pizza, which I am enjoying now). I have a follow-up appointment in December. I should find out more then about the results of the biopsy (which I will make a post about). In the meantime, I just rest and enjoy life and continue to build models!!!