

New Member
Jan 11, 2010
Howdy thar chaps and chapettes.

I found this forum while scanning google looking at plasticard models and it intrigued me.
I suppose I should actually say something about me really. I've been modelling for what seems like forever, since I was little really I made model aeroplanes and then moved on to warhammer, which i've done for 11-12 years now, and kind of shunned the rest. Recently I started scratch-building models for apocalypse games because i'm too poor for Forgeworld. lol

I've scratch built a pair of Warhound titans for apocalypse games which stand about 12 inches tall give or take. One for me and one for my girlfriend, but after the game I left them in a box and they've fallen apart. In fairness they were never even finished really, I failed to add any real detail and no paint was ever even opened in their vicinity.

I hope to change that though, this site will hopefully give me the inspiration I need to go back to them, put them back together, finish them off and paint them and then move on to other projects. We'll see I suppose.
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