how to download

I have tried to download and I keep getting a message that says slow down you are downloading to fast but I have to download anything but that message. What am I doing wrong

I am sorry but I do not understand your statement. Please clarify.
Let me try this again. I have to post from my cell phone because my computer burned up. I have tried to download and I keep getting a message that says slow down you are downloading to fast, I have not download anything but that message. I was trying to download the Rhino extra armor. What am I doing wrong
Trying to download from your Cell Phone. You are making a big assumption that your phone and this software on this forum, and the server, will allow that. Compatibility issues, an ARM chip for example, will not do with Intel and AMD chips do. Time to get a computer! :) has had some killer deals on really basic, but good machines. I build computers. I have never purchased a computer pre-built, except for a Laptop for my son's school requirement.
Computers are easy to build. I've built everyone I have ever owned and a few more for other people. Stay with AMD, AMD quad X965x4 core is nice and with that socket, you can go to their 8 core machine. Figure how much you have to spend first. That is the best place to start. I like Asus and MSI boards. If you want some suggestions, once you have made some selections, let me know, I'd be glad to help. I built two last year. :)
Get an AM3+ board, which will allow you to upgrade the processor, and the QUAAD 4 X985 Black Edition is a great rock solid processor. Get an Asus or MSI board, both have USB 3, and try and get 6 Gig's of ram, and an ATI 7850 Video card, with 2 G's of DDR5 video ram. That will give you an upgradable machine that should last a good solid 7 years, oh, get Win 7 64 bit Pro if you can or Win 8 64 bit Pro Pro, both are great. :)