How to build a control Panel

Mike, I embedded the video for you, it is easy to do. Just to go the advanced mode, press the YOU/TUBE button and copy and paste, this case, the numbers HdjpUyc9w6s in between the YouTube brackets, and the video will be embedded. It's easy, you do it once and you'll see, great video!! The sticky back Velcro is such a good idea!!

I noticed you are not having trouble cracking the plexiglass. Are the drill bits for wood or for metal (as far as how they are sharpened?), Also, this is not Lexan is it? :)

Mike, I embedded the video for you, it is easy to do. Just to go the advanced mode, press the YOU/TUBE button and copy and paste, this case, the numbers HdjpUyc9w6s in between the YouTube brackets, and the video will be embedded. It's easy, you do it once and you'll see, great video!! The sticky back Velcro is such a good idea!!

I noticed you are not having trouble cracking the plexiglass. Are the drill bits for wood or for metal (as far as how they are sharpened?), Also, this is not Lexan is it? :)


It is a metal bit and no it is not Lexan.
Thanks , Mike
I thought they might be. When I was a machinist, the standard angle for metal was 117 degrees. This makes for a shallow whole and less "grabbing", which is probably why you have such nice holes. A very nice tutorial. Thank You! :)