how do you post pics here?

Biased turkey said:
Just be sure your pic does not exceed the maximum required size.
A 320x240 jpg should be OK
You can go bigger, we allow 640 x 480 and 68K filesize in the regular forums, and 800 x 600 and up to 2 meg filesize in the Gallery.

And Ozzy, if you're still having problems with posting pics, let me or Mikey know and we'll help you, but the tutorial should carry you through. But what Biased turkey is saying is that most often the reason a picture won't post is because it is oversized in one way or the other. If you read the upload dialog box, it will tell you what's going on.
Oh, yeah, copy and paste. I'm slow today. Here I will copy and paste a link to see if it works.

Oh, that didn't work. I got a message that says I must have 15 posts or greater to post links or images.
Linking photos from photobucket or imageshack or what-have-you with IMG tags works for me.
