Homemade tools and organizers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
I thought I had a thread for this, but apparently not. I’ll use this one to post ideas and pics of things I make to make the hobby more fun and easier to organize.

Yesterday and this morning, some cardboard was saved from the landfill. The flaps off of an Amazon box became two little organizers. Now I need to discipline myself… make it a HABIT to stick the tools back in the holders after use. I normally have to dig through a pile of tools, parts, paper, etc to find the tool I need next. If I can use these properly, that will be behind me.
Hot glue, cardboard and a few big paper straws…




The little folding pliers are VERY handy. I got them from a friend years ago and use them constantly.


And these two ‘rivet guns’ just arrived yesterday. They are really for marking leather. Of course I couldn’t find the one I had, but these are doing nicely. A block of soft wood (pine I think) makes it easy to form the rivets. Too much pressure punctures the card stock, but that doesn’t hurt anything. Painting fills the holes. Zillions of rivets populate most aircraft and spaceships it seems. :biggrin:

With these, one can make zillions and cut them out and apply them quickly.
I have a circular tool caddy that I store my tools it. However, these are great for the tools that you are currently using for the project at hand. I really like what you have come up with! Thank you very much for sharing this with use!
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I need to make a work area, yours looks reat! . My wife says my workplace is my Barn, but I'd like something in the house to make models. Planning a big rearrangement as soon as finish my "10'x12' shed. That's going to be for storage. and I'd like to use it to work on motorcycles. I have to put my MG Midget in there because it takes up to much floor space in my small barn, so the little shed may end being the MG, and 3 motorcycle shed. Never enough room, time, and add a bad back to that, never time for making models. That doesn't include the stuff I have to start doing when that 1st warm day hits, like finish the soffets on the roof of my house,, the list goes on.

My tools are all over the place. That is going to be a prioriy. Getting the M.G. out of the Barn would allow me to make better use of the machine shop, and welders in there, and organize my tools better. My lower back and Thoracis discs being blow means I always neeed to hire an extra set of hands, but that's hard to find especially someone you trust. Se la vid! :)
Go for it! I have a HUGE wooden desk and storage unit plus more space in our bedroom, but I can’t get to it. Too much stuff from former hobbies. Last fall I planned to move the stuff out to a storage unit in the yard, but it started snowing and never stopped. It is STILL snowing. Hopefully spring will eventually come and I will move the modules I built. Then we can reclaim the living room and I will have a nice work area in the corner of the bedroom again. I tried to make the units modular so they would be easy to move and reorganize. Plus, they are made from cardboard mainly so if I don’t like them, they can heat the house. LOL


The other thing is those orange fiberglass trays. I have 5 or 6 of them. A cutting mat fits in one if I need it. Then I can just put a project on the tray and put it on a shelf while working on another project. My bedroom unit has 5 spaces for those trays and their ‘stuff’.
I dont have a working place. I use the diner table. I always have to setup or remove my stuff. So I would like to have my own working place but thats a long way ahead. Maybe if my kids are leaving when they are 30. That we be over eight years. :eek: